The Landscape of Modern Youth Ministry

Growing in our craft often means thinking about our craft. That’s what the MPC Youth leadership team have started doing this year. This term we have met to consider youth ministry by reading Mike McGarry’s book ‘A biblical theology of youth ministry: teenagers in the life of the church’. Parents: I’d recommend giving it a […]

Why bother with church? (Term 2 Study Material)

What is church? Why do I need church? What are baptism and communion for? Should pastors and elders only be men? How can I be a good church member? Next term MPC Youth is going to be meeting in small groups to consider a theology of church. We’ll be thinking about these questions (and more!) […]

How to make the most of the school holidays

Making the most of the school holidays takes a lot of work. Whether it’s two weeks, three, or even six–it requires some planning! For parents, this is a time of decisions. How will your family spend the break? How should your teen spend each day? Should they be relaxing, playing sport, having fun with friends, […]

Partnering with Parents: Workshops

MPC Youth exists to come alongside parents in discipling their teens. We see parents as the first responder to their teen’s faith. Parents–first. Church–second. Youth group–third. This means that we want to be encouraging and equipping parents in their ministry at home. One way we’re doing that this year is by hosting ‘Partnering with Parents […]

In Review: Surge Weekend

Last weekend, 27 of our youth gathered together to hear from God’s word and hangout together over some food, fun, and (for some) a sleepover. It was great! The weekend was packed with Bible content! We heard two sermons from Colossians 1: Talk 1 considered our spiritual location in Christ and Talk 2 considered why […]

Youth Trainees: A new initiative

“I wasn’t a born leader. I was helped. Forged. Developed.” — Craig Hamilton Isn’t that true for so many of us? Leadership doesn’t come effortlessly or without training. Unfortunately, when it comes to youth ministry, we can tend to think the opposite. Often, we throw people into a leadership position when they have next to […]

Parent Prayer Group (Sat, 18th of Feb, 1pm)

“I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.” Romans 15:30 NIV In New Testament, the Apostle Paul wants the church to pray for gospel ministry because of the authority of the Lord Jesus […]

Child Info Updater

It’s time to update your child’s details for youth. Mitchelton Presbyterian Church is required, in accordance with our Child Protection Policy, to update the enrollment details each calendar year of all youth attending programs that will be unaccompanied by an adult. This is to provide a safe environment for your child and other children attending the programs. The information […]

Welcome to Youth!

Journeying through high school is no easy feat. It’s often a moment of personal growth, filled with all sorts of challenges. At MPC Youth, we want our youth to go the distance! To know God through Jesus Christ and to enjoy living for him throughout high school and beyond. With this in mind, it’s our […]

School’s Out–is out!

School’s Out is all done and dusted for this year. Across each day, there were roughly 30-40 youth who heard from God’s word, had fun, and served the church/community. A big thank you to Aaron Parkinson for coordinating School’s Out this year. Aaron has played a pivotal role in creating a space for our youth […]