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November 6 - Colossians 1:28-2:7 - "Growing Where We're Planted"

MPC 6th November 2016.

Phil Campbell

In the movie we watched the other day, which was the deep psychological thriller called Central Intelligence, with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson - it was that kind of day - there was a scene in a psychologist's office where they played the old word association game. Say the first word to come into your mind when I say... black. And he says... white. Antelope... hippopotamus.

Up... and he says down.

Down, eh? Says the psychologist. Who it turns out isn't really a psychologist at all. Down, eh. So you're feeling down about life.

Now that might not be the best diagnostic tool; and I don't know how you're feeling about life at the moment. What do you say when I say up? I tried it on someone the other day, and he said heaven. Which is a bit more upbeat.

But what's your first response. About life. And about life in your church family. If I say up, what's the first word that comes into your head? Because in a lot of ways I'm going to be right up front this morning and say it would be easy to be feeling down. That in a sense we've found ourselves kind of boxed in; with building plans it seems we can't afford, with challenges on almost every front, with farewells being said to Meryl a few weeks ago and to Kim in a few week's time. And our budget, you're going to hear a bit later, not travelling so well at this point in the year.

Which opens up the opportunity for all kinds of people to step up and start talking about all the negatives. All the things that are wrong; all the things that need fixing here at MPC. And at some points this morning we're going to talk about those.

But for a little bit of balance, before we do that, I want to take the positive for a few minutes. Lest we overlook them. Lest we throw out the baby with the bathwater. Some very simple very basic positives that over the last ninety years MPC has been built on. And has grown on. That in our enthusiasm maybe to fix things we need to be careful we don't pull down and throw in the skip. When they're things that are profoundly important.

I don't for a minute want us to blow our own trumpet or to rest on our laurels. But every now and then, it's worth standing back and identifying that some things at MPC actually do what they're designed to do. There are some things. That are working.

And that's all the more important on a day like today that we call vision Sunday, that's all about our prayers and plans for the year ahead. Knowing full well that our prayers and plans are painfully puny when you put them alongside God's plans.

But knowing at the same time it's gotta be just as much about what we plan to keep; and hold on to; and not move from. As it is about anything else.

And look, here in a sense is the essence of my vision for MPC. And it always has been. Summed up in a 70 word email from Greg and Amy Williams after Jonah's baptism a couple of weeks back. It's one of those moments that's like yes! This is what we're doing. And this is why we do it. And this is why we're going to keep on doing it.

When I read it to you, given that it's Vision Sunday and all, you might be slightly disappointed. Because I want to say to you, this is just about as good as it gets. And you might be saying, well, in a way that's not all that impressive.

But here we go... Greg and Amy Williams. The day after Jonah's baptism in the 1030 service.

We just wanted to thank you for a really good morning yesterday. In our minds the service just beamed with Christ at the centre. With great music and a cracking bible talk about Jesus, it was exciting to hear my family talking about it throughout the day. Exciting that some non-Christian relatives heard the gospel and commented on how friendly and welcoming MPC was. Hopefully an open door there... Greg and Amy

Now here's my vision. This'll do. How about 53 times in 2017 we do that? Every Sunday on the calendar. Or give it our best shot.

I'm not saying that's all we do. But that's at least what we do.

That we do our level best to put the lord Jesus Christ at the centre. Beaming out. In the songs we sing. In the way we teach the bible's big picture with jesus at the centre of it. With a friendly open accepting church community with open arms to anyone new. Creating open doors; whenever you invite someone along. So that in the end, we're in partnership together in the work of the gospel. And in the end you can be confident that if you get the chance, you can invite someone in, that they'll actually hear the gospel message and see it in action.

Because as Greg and Amy pointed out in the email over and over again, Christ is at the centre of what we're saying and what we're doing. And being glorified through that. That whether we're looking at king Jesus foreshadowed in the Old Testament book of 1 Kings or king Jesus in the gospels, or king Jesus anywhere else, he's the focal point. And it's obvious. And we. And obviously living out and singing out and serving out our commitment to him in a way that's tangible. To anyone who comes near us.

If we don't do anything else but that in 2017, I want to say to you, that would be a great start. We've got a bonus Sunday in the calendar. 53 opportunities. To beam with Christ at the centre of our church. Together.

And look, can I point out that's exactly the point the Apostle Paul's making when he's talking to the Colossian Church about his emphasis and his vision.

Because he says to them he's the one, Christ is the one, we proclaim; with everything we've got.

Look at his words. From Colossians 1 verse 28.

28 He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.

Target audience? everyone. Effort. Everything we've got. All my wisdom. All my energy, says Paul. Everything I've got.

Proclaiming Christ. Teaching. Correcting.

Goal? On the last day of presenting everyone... fully mature in Christ. That's his goal for all of us. That's his goal for you.

Look, it's just a delight when you see that happening. People who start to realise even after years and years that being Christian is core to their identity. People who realise that making godly life decisions is actually more important than getting ahead in their career. People who realise maybe for the first time that the bible actually makes sense. And because of that take a step or two forward in their confidence in Jesus.

Kids being faithfully taught not just a morality. But to know and trust the lord Jesus.

Teens. Actually being discipled towards Christian Maturity.

Young adults. The time when in the past so many drift. Sucked up by worldliness. Here at MPC nurtured and challenged and matured at Latechurch.

Even beyond that. Our ministry traineeships. Seeing gifts opened up and stretched and put to use in helping see others grow to maturity too.

And morning church here on a Sunday; Youthchurch. Latechurch.

That we beam with Christ at the centre. Friends, fundamentally our vision is to keep doing that with all our strength and all our hearts. More and more. As well as we can, as much as we can, to as many as we can, for as long as we can.

You'll notice Paul says he's going at it with all his might. In the Greek it's literally he greatly agonises. Because this is important.

And then you'll notice in 2 verse 2, he spells out his goal. It's his vision. For the Churches at Laodicea and Colossae.

We use the word vision. I know some people don't like it. But in the way it's used these days it's a kind of a blend between a goal and a passion.

The American Pastor Andy Stanley defines vision this way. he says,

Vision is a mental picture of what could be, fuelled by a passion that it should be.

It's a preferred future. Which one way or another we all have. What do you want the future to look like? When it comes to the church you're part of.

God's given us the heads to imagine. And he's given us the hearts for passion. So what's your mental picture? What could be fuelled by the passion that it should be?

Here's Paul's. Colossians 2 from verse 2.

Now at first glance as you look at that verse, it looks like his goal is that they'll be encouraged and united. He says,

My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love...

which is a great start. And look, that's certainly gotta be first base for us as well.

But you'll notice, that's just the start. You can see it in the structure of his sentence... there's a so that. Which means the encouragement and unity are just stepping stones to a greater goal.

He wants the unity and encouragement so that they'll end up with complete understanding.

But you know what. That's not the ultimate goal either!

Follow the sentence just a bit further; and the understanding; it's for a purpose as well. in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ. In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

The end of the whole string. knowing Christ.

Now the Colossian Christians, Paul's writing to them because they're being told Jesus is just a starting point. That there are deeper spiritual insights; that there's a greater wisdom. That there's a richer spirituality that they're missing out on.

And Paul says, no, my vision... my dream... is a united loving church, that fully understands that the full mystery of God is all there in Christ. That he's come and he's fully revealed the father; that he's fully made peace on our behalf. And that he's fully poured our his spirit on our hearts.

In other words, Paul's vision. Is an encouraged, united, Christ-centred church. Not looking for anything more.

And he says, I'm telling you this so that no one deceives you by fine-sounding arguments. They might sound good. But they'll lead you astray. My vision is a church that stays that way. And that you won't be turned away to other things.

Even when it's hard. Even when life's kind of grindingly dull and disappointing. Even when the culture around you is turning on its head. And the kind of grudging acceptance of Christianity is turning to more and more overt hostility.

Paul's prayer is, Paul's urging is, Paul's vision for them is, that they'll keep growing exactly where they've been planted.

So that just as they've started. They'll keep going. Chapter 2, verse 6 and 7. Follow his words.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Where you started. Is where you keep growing. The time you can look back to the point where you decided you'd sign up as a Jesus guy or a Jesus girl, the time you decided you'd make him your Lord... that's the same point to start out at every day. Over and over again.

Roots drawing deeper in the same rich soil. Built up. Growing stronger. Same faith you were taught in the first place. And overflowing with thankfulness.

Friends, we can be negative about that. Or we can be positive. We can say we're tired of all that. Or we can overflow with thankfulness. We can say we're not going to keep going. Or we can say, this is worth it.

Let me finish with another positive. A text from a youth group dad.

He says,

I was sitting outside MPC last night waiting to pick up one of my kids, and was overcome by what a great blessing MPC has been for my family. God has used our church to lead many into his Kingdom, and I'm so grateful. I know MPC has been everything God needed it to be for my family and will continue to be in the future for many more just like mine.

Grateful. Are you? To be part of a Christ centred church? That's united in love?

Friends, it's a simple vision. Paul says he goes at it with all his might. And there are things we need to do and challenges we need to face, but we need to do it as Paul says, encouraged and united.

This morning we're going to step through some of the challenges, some of the goals and plans. And lots of it's exciting. And we're going to stop and pray at each point along the way.

Acknowledging that ultimately as long as we keep the main things central there are lots of ways we could go. And so seeking God's wisdom in every step of the way.