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March 12 - John 9 - "True Blindness"

MPC 12th March 2017.

Luke Peterson

I want to suggest to you this morning there's a big difference between ignorance and ignoring. They might sound similar. But there's all the difference in the world between being ignorant of something. And choosing to ignore it.

Which has become more obvious to me since having kids.

We've got 3 kids under 3.

And I remember one incident that shows the difference I'm talking about when my son Obi was 2 years old.

Obi was playing outside when it occurred to me that it was unusually quiet... which as a parent, you know usually means trouble!

And so I walk out the back door and I start calling for him... there's no response.

I'm getting a bit more frantic; "Obi where are you!?"

And then something caught my eye... our side gate was just open a little bit. My stomach dropped... because just outside the gate there was a busy road that people would drive along at 70-80km an hour and to add to that...

There was a lake on one side of the house and a river on the other.

Great place to raise kids!

And so I raced out the front of our house... heart pounding... and there he was.

In the arms of our neighbour across the road.

Obi had escaped... crossed the busy road... and had been making his way down to the river when our neighbour spotted him.

Now what had Obi done wrong? Well nothing really!

He didn't know he wasn't allowed to do that... he was ignorant!

Ignorant of the rules... of the danger... ignorant of everything. He wasn't even two! He didn't know any better.

I couldn't get angry with him or hold him responsible... because he was truly ignorant.

but that was back then... it's a different story now when Obi tries to get out of our yard!

He's old enough now to know the rules!

When he does something like that now we know he is actually choosing to ignore the rules!

He is wilfully ignoring us.

There is a big difference between ignorance... and choosing to ignore.

The last few weeks we've been working our way through a series called "Judging Jesus", seeing the ways people judge who Jesus is!

How they react to him - what sort of response they have to Jesus.

And so as we open John 9 today we'll see two very different responses to Jesus.

One is a guy who was once ignorant but now sees Jesus clearly.

And the other... people who see Jesus but wilfully choose to ignore him.


Follow with me from v1.

Jesus is walking along with his disciples and on the road up ahead there's a poor blind beggar.

Not only is this guy poor and blind - he's been blind his entire life!

He's never seen anything, ever.

His whole life ... has been spent in total darkness...

He spends his days sitting on the side of the road hoping someone's going to throw him some spare change so he can get through the day.

He's never seen anyone before; he's blind. And the thing is, no one seems to see him either. He's a beggar. He's invisible.

Except to Jesus... Jesus sees him...

Now the disciples realise that Jesus has seen the man and so they take the chance to have a theological discussion with Jesus.

And I love the disciples for this... they always ask the awkward questions everyone is thinking but too afraid to say...

Verse 2... they rather tactfully say "Hey Jesus - this blind guy - what's going on here? Is he blind cause he sinned or is it his parents' fault?"

Now remember this guy has been blind since birth, so think about what they are asking - Jesus did this guy sin in the womb? Did he somehow rebel against God while he was a foetus?

People say that for women pregnancy is a beautiful time of your life - cherish it! Ha!

My wife has been pregnant 3 times and so I have watched her go through 27 months worth of physical, emotional and mental torture.

And yet despite all the pain my children caused her in the womb - I mean, they kicked her often enough. But I wouldn't say they were sinning in there.

Now to us it seems like a stupid thing for the disciples to ask but that was the commonly held belief in Judaism at the time. That if you had some sort of physical deformity, it was a direct result of either your sin or it was passed on from your parents.

And so that's in the back of the disciples minds as they're walking towards the blind guy and they ask Jesus - which one is it?

So how does Jesus respond?

What's his reply? Which one is it?

Jesus says you guys have got it all wrong!

This guy isn't being punished for something...

No one did anything wrong...

God's got a special purpose for this guy... look at his words. Verse 3.

3 "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the works of god might be displayed in him.

Jesus says this is an opportunity for God's work to be revealed!

This man's condition is an opportunity for me to show you how... verse 5... how I am "the light of the world". This guy is like a blank canvas. Ready for Jesus to paint on.

You might remember last week; Jesus said back in Chapter 8:12 that he's "the light of the world..." He said, "whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light that leads to life".

And now here's a blind guy. Who's in darkness every day. And the stage is set for Jesus to show everyone how he really is the light of the world.

So watch what happens. Verse 6.

Spits on the ground... a holy golly... . makes some mud and puts it on the man's eyes.

Now did you notice what happens next?

It's interesting. Jesus doesn't heal the man instantly. He could have... but he chooses not to.

Instead of healing him there and then Jesus says "Go and wash the mud off in the pool and you'll be healed."

And without hesitation the man trusts Jesus at his word - goes and washes his eyes and for the first time in his life he can see!

Imagine the joy the guy's feeling!

Out of nowhere - out of the darkness a voice speaks to him and gives him sight. He doesn't see it clearly at first. But he trusts Jesus. And then he can see.

For the first time in his life he can see!

"Oh that's what a tree looks like"

"Oh my goodness that's the sky!?"

"Ohhhh Carol... darling... you look different to what I was expecting... "

Overwhelmed. With joy! He couldn't wait to tell friends and family so he rushes home.

Now do you guys have people in your life that are a little bit negative? They're a bit of killjoy?

I think we all know someone like that... and if you don't - good chance it's you...

Well we're about to meet some killjoys... as this former blind man comes home...

Track with me verse 8. He comes home and his neighbours are confused when they see him... "Hang on a minute... isn't that the blind guy who used to sit and beg?" They've never really bothered to look at him closely. Some are like "Yeh! Yeh! Yeh! That's him!"

But then others are like "Nehhhh that just looks like him..."

And you can almost feel the blind man's joy evaporating... he's like "Guys it's me! Look at me! It's really me! Why aren't you excited for me?"

Now at this point he's still ignorant of who Jesus really is - remember he's never even seen him! Just heard his voice. Then washed in the river.

And so when they ask him what happened he says - the man called Jesus healed me... I don't know much about him or where he is... but that's his name, and that's what he's done.

Now that's all a bit much for his neighbours... so they decide to get a second opinion...


So verse 13 they bring him to the Pharisees.

Now if you've been here a while you'll know the Pharisees are the religious authorities of the time... experts in the Jewish Law and traditions - they're the spiritual leaders of Israel.

And they start to question the man verse 15, "How did you receive your sight!?"

The blind man tells his story again - it was Jesus - he put mud on my eyes and I washed and now I see.

Now did you notice we were told back in v 14 that it is the Sabbath day - meant to be a Holy Day - a day of rest - there was to be no work of any kind in all of Israel. In other words, it's just another Saturday.

And so when the Pharisees hear that Jesus has made mud and healed the guy on a Sabbath day they're angry; because Jesus has done this sort of thing before.

They don't seem to care about the fact that a blind man can see... in fact they choose to ignore it.

In fact they are so distracted by their religious laws that when their long awaited messiah, their king, turns up in the person of Jesus - they don't even see him!

They ignore the fact that a miracle's been done; and they start fighting among themselves...

Verse 16 They say, "He's not from God, he doesn't keep the Sabbath."

Then others are saying, "Yeah... but... How could a sinner do this!? How could a sinner bring back a man's sight!"

They begin judging Jesus and can't agree on who he is... so they turn back to the formerly-blind man... with the full force of their anger... as if he's somehow done something wrong by seeing again.


Verse 17 "What have you got to say about him? He opened your eyes! Who is he?"

Now it seems like the blind man is starting to join the dots... he was initially ignorant to who Jesus was, but he's not stupid. He thought Jesus was just a man... but now he ramps it up?

He says that Jesus must be maybe a prophet.

Because he's realising there is something unique going on. Still a bit blurry. But he's starting to see.

But if you look at the Pharisees, it's the opposite. Because now in their pride and stubbornness they question if the man was even blind to start with.

And so they do the only logical thing you do when you can't agree on something - "You go and get mum and dad!"

They send for the guy's parents to confirm whether he was truly blind or not.

And when they turn up, they're no good for anything except throwing their own son under the bus. They don't want to risk riling the Pharisees.

Have a look at Verse 20:

20 We know he is our son... and we know he was born blind. 21 But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, got no idea! ask him. He is a big boy!

See you later, son!

Gee thanks mum and dad! Love you too!

You just get a sense at this point the Pharisees are just clutching at straws.

It feels like they're searching for any excuse not to believe what's happened.

They're searching for any possible reason to deny the obvious.

Wilfully ignoring what's right in front of their noses...

A blind man can see again... but it seems like they're the blind ones!

But they aren't done yet...

Because in fact they don't just choose to ignore what has happened - they judge Jesus without considering the facts!

Verse 24,they arrogantly say "Come on just tell us the truth - we know Jesus is a sinner!"

Interesting isn't it? It all started with the disciples questions about whether the blind guy's a sinner or his parents. Now the Pharisees are pointing the same accusation at Jesus himself.

They've already made their minds up: and judged Jesus before they even looked at the facts!

They choose to ignore the facts!

But the blind man can't! He can't ignore Jesus!

"Guys I don't know whether he is a sinner - I don't know all your rules and regulations - I only know one thing - I was blind and now I see!"

I can't ignore it!

But the Pharisees close their eyes and close their hearts to Jesus. And say, "We'll never follow him... we don't even know where he comes from!"

And in their hard heartedness... In their pride... wilfully choose to ignore Jesus.

They're blind to the obvious.

They can't see Jesus for who he is.

But the blind man can see!

And it's obvious over this chapter that its not just physical sight he's been given by Jesus... it's spiritual sight too!

At first he was ignorant - he thought Jesus was a just man... or a prophet. But now he knows Jesus is from God!

Verse 30.. he says you guys don't know where he's come from!?

"That's remarkable! Unbelievable! Like are you serious!?

"You don't know where Jesus comes from!? He just made new eyeballs for me! Where do you think he's from? I'm meant to be the blind guy in the story!

"You guys are meant to be the spiritual leaders of God's people... full of insight. How can you not see who Jesus is! He's from God!

"If Jesus weren't from God he couldn't do this!"

The blind man gets it! He understands!

He can see Jesus clearly! And he sees... that Jesus truly has come from the father!

He saw the evidence before him and Jesus opened his spiritual eyes too!

Now I have a short video I want to show you all... and it is going to require some serious concentration, ok?!

It's a video of two basketball teams.

One team in white. One team in black.

The challenge is to count how many times the people in white... pass the ball. Okay?

If you've already seen this video and know the answer... don't spoil it for the people around you!

How many times did they pass the ball?? How many people got it right? [combined]

Ok now... the real rest of concentration was this... did anyone notice something weird in the video?

The gorilla!

Let's play it again - play next video!

How many people saw the gorilla?

University tests have shown that only about 50% actually do! Because they're focus is somewhere else.

And the fact is your are ignoring the gorilla when he is right in front of you!

And you see the same thing can happen with Jesus.


Those who see him and those who don't.

Those who see him and those who ignore him or maybe they're distracted?

There are those whose eyes are opened to who Jesus is.

And those who don't see him for who he is because they're busy looking somewhere else.

There's a big difference between being ignorant of who Jesus is and choosing to ignore him.

The Pharisees ignore Jesus... ignore the signs he had performed... and they throw the guy out of the synagogue.

But the blind man - he can't ignore Jesus!

The light of the world - Jesus - has opened his eyes to who he is!

So in v35 Jesus seeks him out and says: do you believe in me!?

And the blind man can't ignore Jesus!

He was once ignorant but now he sees the truth!

So he drops to his knees and cries out, "Yes Lord I believe in you! I believe you're sent from God! You are who you say you are!"

And he worships him!

By the time we get to the end of this story there is a clear distinction between those who are truly blind and ignore Jesus and those who truly see who he is!

The question is... .which group do you fit in?

Maybe you've been hearing about Jesus for a while.

You've felt that stirring in your heart - that you know who he really is - yet you are choosing to ignore him. Or you're letting yourself be distracted.

You're happy to keep going the way you're going.

Maybe satisfied - to just turn up at church.

Do religious stuff.

You can spot other people's sin a mile off. Like the disciples. Like the Pharisees.

At the same time you appear very religious.

In fact, most of the time if you want to look religious that's what you do isn't it?

Pointing out other people's sin. While you tick all the right boxes yourself. Well at least you think so.

It is possible to do all those things and not see Jesus clearly.

You know, there's a lot at stake in this!

Jesus says in v 39, "For judgementI have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."

Jesus says you might be judging me... but ultimately I'll judge you!

Now, when Jesus says, "For judgement I have come into the world... " it doesn't mean he came to tell everyone they are a dirty rotten sinner and send them to hell. That's what the Pharisees do so well!

The difference is... Jesus came to do something about it.

John 3:17 says that, "God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

If you decide you're fine without him like the Pharisees do in verse 40-41 - well, you can't claim ignorance at this point. Maybe the truth is you're choosing to ignore him. Which means your verdict on him is going to turn around and become his verdict on you.

If you're here this morning and you're still kind of checking Christianity out, that's great! Keep at it! It would be a shame to write Jesus off or be distracted by other stuff before you have even looked at him properly.

And for those who do see him - for those of us who see Jesus for who he really is... what's the appropriate response?

There's a picture of it, isn't there? In the guy who was blind but now sees; and falls at the feet of Jesus and worships him!

The light of the world; who has saved him from darkness! He's worth so much more than ticking a religious box... he's worthy of so much more than turning up to church once a week, or rocking up to growth group when it suits us. He is worthy of so much more time than we are often willing to give him - Jesus is worthy of a whole life dedicated in thankful worship to him!

Do you see there is a big difference between being ignorant: where there's every chance of your eyes being opened. And choosing to ignore. Which is really just closing your eyes or being distracted. And refusing to see.

So let me finish by asking you this morning, as you're judging Jesus, what do you see? What's your verdict?