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July 9 - 1 Peter 2:9-12 - "Jesus-Shaped Work"

MPC 9th July 2017.

Luke Peterson

Can you remember back to the first job you ever had?

During high school I worked at a golf driving range.

You know the place you go if you have anger issues to belt golf balls for no particular reason out into a paddock?

That's where I worked... a driving range.

You know what my glamorous job title was?

Ball boy... that weedy little kid who went around and picked up the golf balls by hand.

I was that moving target out on the golf range that everyone thought it would be funny to try and hit.

And I remember the job description was really vague when I took the job and for good reason.

Because really I was paid slave labour wages, 1 cent per ball, to be a human target for the enjoyment of others.

And I remember that at first the job was kind of exciting... you know... getting out there and trying not to die.

But eventually the novelty wore off and reality set in...

It got boring... it was hard work... I never got paid enough... I dreaded having to do it...

Maybe it sounds familiar?

Everyday I would pull up to work take a deep breath and think: 'ok, get in, get paid, get out' - that was my approach to work.

I didn't really care about how I treated people or the way I went about my job. As long as I got in, got paid and got out.

I'd take short cuts to finish early... oh I missed 1 ball and its all the way over there... that doesn't really matter.

And when the boss asked me how many balls I had collected sometimes I'd lie and tell him I got a few more than I did so I would get paid extra...

I did whatever it took to get the job done so that I would get paid at the end of the day.

But is that ENOUGH?

Is that ALL there is to WORK?

As a Christian is that how we should view work?

Well over the last couple of weeks we've been working our way through a series on ethics called Transformed by Grace.

Seeing how Jesus transforms the way we make decisions and approach different areas of our lives.

And the reality is no matter what job we're doing we face decisions every day at work.

How many hours should I put into work?

Is it really important if I'm there 5mins late?

Do I hire this person or that person?

Do I treat my boss with respect or do I join in the workplace gossip about him?

Work is full of decisions!

So how do we navigate our way through all the decisions we face at work and how do we even approach work itself?

What difference does Jesus make?

That's what we are going to be thinking about today.

But before we get into the nitty gritty details of work... we need to take step back and ask a bigger question.

We need to ask the question that Peter has in mind when he writes the passage that we just read.

It is a crucial question that we ALL need to ask ourselves... .

The question is this...

Who am I and what is the purpose of my life?

What's the ultimate reason - as Christians - we live?

Because once we know that... it forms a foundation for how we approach the rest of our life including work!

So once we are clear on who we are and what our purpose in life is then we can see how that plays out in the workplace.

Peter starts by answering the question: 'who are you'?

If you're a Christian who are you!?

If you have been saved by the grace of God through Jesus then who are you now!?

What does he say?

Check it out from verse 9:

He says you are a CHOSEN people.

God HIMSELF has chosen YOU to be NEW people group!

You are a royal priesthood!

You're ROYAL now part of kingly line... you've been born again into new race with a king as your father!

We're called into a priesthood... we offer spiritual sacrifices to God.

We're a holy nation!

We are holy - that means we are different from the world - set apart from it!

As Christians we're set apart as a new nation!

There's something distinct about you.

And we're a people for God's own possession. We're special to God!

We're his! And his alone!

Verse 10 he says we were once not a people and now we're HIS people!

Once had hadn't received mercy but now God has extended mercy to us by saving us through Jesus

Peter uses all these incredible phrases to describe who we are as Christians.

And then he tells us what our purpose in life is... did you see it there?

Verse 9. This is sooooo important! God does ALL of this...

THAT you may DECLARE the PRAISES of HIM who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

THAT is why you exist!

We exist to declare! To shout to the world what Jesus has done.

We exist so that through our WORDS and our GOOD ACTIONS we might declare the PRAISES of God!

We don't exist to call attention to ourselves - but to GOD!

I'll say that again: As a Christian you don't exist to call attention to yourself - but to GOD!

We exist to declare everything that is good about God through our words and our actions.

If you're a follower of Jesus, your full time role is to be a walking, talking billboard - advertising Jesus!

You exist to draw attention to him through your words and actions.

And if we have been set apart from the world to declare the praises of God and call attention to HIM... if that is the purpose of your life... then this radically impacts our view of work and the decisions we make at work.

Knowing the reason for your existence changes how you approach your job.

So with that in mind lets consider two points - how WE DO and how WE DON'T approach work.

So firstly, HOW WE DON'T APPROACH our work... verse 11.

11 Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.

Peter says as a Christian you're a foreigner and exile in this world.

You're a stranger in this world.

As far as the world around you, society around you is concerned - you're different.

You actually ARE different from them!

Because this world is NOT your home!

This world and this life is not all there is!

You're a foreigner here!

As a Christian your true home is with GOD and his PEOPLE in heaven!

That's the great and certain hope that we all have as Christians!

This world is not our home... it's temporary and fleeting and we're strangers here.

We're just passing through this world, headed for heaven... so Peter urges us - don't be sucked in by the sinful desires of this world!

And there are so many sinful desires that we battle against when it comes to work..

We face the desire to make this world our home; we desperately want to put our roots down... earn lots of money... build our businesses and mini empires... pursue more and more money and promotions and recognition for our work... but then our jobs can consume us... they consume our time and energy and thoughts... to the point where we lose sight of why we really exist.

All of those desires and temptations are waging war against our souls to pull us away from our real purpose in life.

They distract us and deceive us.

And so we end up approaching our jobs and careers as if they're EVERYTHING.

They define who we are and our value and they drive our lives.

And for many of us without even realising it we place our identify and value in what we do rather than who we are.

Think about the questions you ask someone when you meet them for the first time... what's your name... where are you from... and WHAT DO YOU DO?

It's so engrained in our society and culture for your value and purpose to be defined by your work.

So it begs the question...

Has your job become the reason you live? Does it define who you are?

Or maybe there's a temptation in your job to be self-seeking, and make much of yourself, and think highly of yourself instead making much of God.

Maybe it's pride that is waging war on your soul as you look down on those around you who are in "inferior" jobs.

You like to subtly brag about how good you are at your work or how big and successful your business is or how much you made this year?

It's so easy to fall into the trap of calling attention to ourselves, seeking praise and recognition for ourselves... to give in to the sinful desires that wage war against us and cause us to forget that our ultimate purpose is to call attention to God!

It's so easy to forget that as a Christian you are a sinner saved by grace and you're no better than anyone else because of what you do.

Or maybe its not any of those things but maybe you hate your job or you're ashamed of your job - you'd rather not tell people what you do.

Maybe you're unemployed or you have just been made redundant.

And you feel the shame or embarrassment about that...

Well there's great comfort in knowing that your job isn't who you are!

Your job is not who you are, it doesn't define you - maybe in the worlds eyes it does - but as a Christian you have a purpose and a reason for being that is SO much GREATER and so much more fulfilling and has ETERNAL reward!

You have the great privilege to show people how GOOD GOD is for all he has done - in your words and your actions.

You are foreigner in this world... you are passing through on your way to heaven and it is your aim to take as many people with you as possible!

And so it doesn't matter what job you have - whether you're the cleaner or the CEO... in God's eyes you are equal and you have been chosen and set apart from this world... for the sake of declaring his praises... so BE WHO YOU ARE!

Don't be sucked in by the sinful desires of this world... a world that has no hope beyond this life...

Don't think or approach work as if it is your life... it is merely one part of the life that God has given you and we are to use it for the purpose of drawing attention to God and not ourselves.

So how do we do that? What might it look like? How do we approach work...

Well Peter puts it like this in verse 12 he says...

12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.

You're a stranger in this world but you still live in this world.

Everyday you have opportunity- in every area of your life including your jobs, to draw attention to God... for the sake of others.

So that others might see your actions and say far out! There is something different about this guy!

There is something attractive about them and the way that they live

There is something that stands out from everyone else...

I've gotta find out what's different about this guy!

People notice the way you work.

You call yourself a Christian?

People are going to be watching. In your workplace and in your life.

So when the temptation at work comes to be greedy... or selfish... or to talk smack about your boss behind his back... or to gossip about your work mate... or complain about your job... or to look lustfully at your fellow co-worker... or to join in with crude jokes... or to slack off when the boss isn't looking... or disrespect him... or be lazy... or to work for your own recognition and own praise... maybe you're feeling the pressure to let your responsibilities as a parent or husband slide as you climb the corporate ladder... or your face the temptation to find your identity in your work...

What do we do?

As Christians we can approach our jobs and every decision in them as gospel opportunities.

So we do work hard, work with integrity and honesty, be punctual, we be dedicated and reliable, we take the opportunities that arise to tell people why you work in this way, we do all of this so that God might look great and we have opportunity to share the gospel.

And you know what? It doesn't matter what your job is.

It doesn't matter whether you're a policeman, architect, dentist, accountant, chippy, plumber, mum or cleaner.

It doesn't matter what you do...

It doesn't matter if you love your job or hate your job.

It doesn't matter if you are in between jobs, you have lost your job or you are retired.

What matters is how you're making much of Jesus wherever God has placed you!

What matters is making the most of the opportunities God has given you to further his kingdom and draw attention to HIM that people might come to know him!

So when you wake in the morning and you drag yourself out of bed.

We need to be reminded of what our purpose is and what our focus should be for the day. That we exist to draw attention to God and lead people to him!

And ask ourselves the questions...

Who can I talk to about Jesus today? How can I be a walking talking billboard for him today?

How am I going to show love and grace to that colleague that annoys me.

How am I going to be a PEACEMAKER in my office.

In what ways can I run my business that is honourable and honest?

What opportunities are you going to take to live out godliness and in doing so point to God himself.

Because our attitudes, and behaviour at work and in life testify to God.

And as we live in an increasingly hostile culture towards Christianity.

And as people search harder than ever to point the finger at us and accuse us of doing wrong.

Let us give them no other option but to see our lives and desire to know the one who is Lord over our lives.

Let us approach our work - no matter what it is - no matter whether we love it or hate it - as opportunity to live out our ultimate purpose in life.

Because work is not our purpose, it is not who we are, it's not the main game.

Our work provides us with opportunity to draw attention to God and his good ways with the hope and purpose that gospel opportunities might arise.

So tomorrow morning when you wake up and get ready for your day, how are you going to make much of God and draw attention to him - declare his praises throughout the day and through your work?