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August 13 - Galatians 4:8-5:12 - "Basic Principles"

MPC 13th August 2017.

Phil Campbell

Have you done your Suncorp money profile yet? They've been advertising it non stop on TV.

It's an online survey. Or you can do it at a branch.

All to find out, what's your money profile. There are four options.

Is it love?

Is it freedom?

Is it security?

Or is it power?

Suncorp wants to dig deep into your psychology. To figure out where you want your money to take you. Why you want it. How you want to use it.

They want to uncover your underlying principles? When it comes to money. But more than that isn't it. When it comes to life.

It's kind of disturbing in a way. Because they're suggesting; in fact they're more than suggesting. That money can take you there. Whether it's power that presses your buttons, or security that you're longing for; whether it's freedom; or whether you want to use your money for love. In a good way. I assume. Giving gifts to your kids.

Whatever it is, they're saying let them get down to your core principles. And start from there.

Look I only mention that at this point not to talk so much about money as to raise that bigger question of basic underlying principles. In a wider way.


The question of getting to the essence. They want to do it with your money. But there are all kinds of areas where it's maybe interesting to uncover the basic assumptions that drive the way we live. The reality behind the reality when you strip it all back.

And there's always been this kind of desire; this kind of drive to reduce reality to basic principles. That shows how things really worked.


The ancient Greeks like Aristotle called them the stoicheia. Which most literally means in a sense the counting. Numbering off. And from there it kind of took on the sense of that more general idea of basic aligning principles. Or the recipe. Or the ingredients. Or the things you count. Always this kind of idea of listing the basics.

So the philosopher Aristotle... trying to work out the basic ingredients of the material world. He didn't quite figure out atoms. But he said the stoicheia, his word for the elements... that the basics of everything; everything in the material world boiled down to either earth, or wind, or fire, or water. Just mix 'em together in different ways; you get everything. They're the elements.

More philosophically this morning, I want to ask you what are the stoicheia; what are the driving elemental principles; that shape your life.

Not just your money profile. But even deeper than that.

Because for the Apostle Paul, that question lies at the heart of the great divide that's threatening the Galatian Church. And Christianity as a whole.

It's a great question to ask. And it's kind of a shame in our English translations the question's been hidden by the fact our translators have opted to translated the Greek word stoicheia differently; in the four places where Paul uses it between here and the end of the letter. And so you've got to be ready for a bit of detective work. And some lateral thinking.

So let's get started. And then bring the threads together.


We're in Galatians chapter 4. Looking for stoicheia number 1.

Now look, we're in part of an unfolding story here; where Paul's talking about the potential divide in the Galatian church; between two very different groups. Christians with a Jewish background, they've come up to Turkey from Jerusalem to tell the new Turkish Christians how to do stuff; how to live life. And the Galatians Christians who are born and bred gentiles; which is basically anyone non Jewish like most of us.

And here in verses 1 to 5, Paul's talking first about the Jewish story. With their long background as the people of God. Which he said, under the Old Testament law was much like having a tough tutor. Or being a slave. He says, we Jews were. heirs. But we were underage heirs. So we were slaves to all these laws and rules.

Take a look at the words from verse 1. And see if you can spot where Paul's original word was stoicheia...

What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father.

Verse 3. Getting closer. So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under... the elemental spiritual forces of the world.

4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.

Three English words. Having a go at this one Greek idea.

Elemental. Meaning Basic. Principles.

What Paul's ultimately saying is we Jews, in a past time, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the guardianship of our Old Testament law. Which was slavery to our stoicheia. The law was the principle we lived by. The law. Was the basic list of principles that motivated our every move. The law. Was our life profile. Look no further. Our Jewish stoicheia; the principles that enslaved us; our guardian; our invisible slave driver. The law.

So far so good?


Next step. In the original. Same word again.

Will you notice if you pick up from verse 6 to 11; Paul's deliberately changed from talking about us Jews, to talking about you gentiles. Who have been moved from slavery to sonship too. Paul's just said we Jewish guys back under the old covenant law; we were slaves. Now in Christ; we're sons.

And now he says to us gentiles... you are too. As he's just said at the end of chapter 3; all one. In Christ Jesus. all one. By the same Spirit.

The same Spirit that lets all of us call out heart to heart with God. Call him our Dad. That Aramaic baby word abba.

6 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." 7 So you are no longer a slave, but God's child; and since you are his child, God has made you alsoan heir.

He says, it's not just us Jewish Christians who get to inherit the promise of blessing given to Abraham. We saw it last week. It's you guys as well. You're no longer slaves either.

But the point is, it was a different kind of slavery. Here's your back story. If you're a gentile. Paul says, we Jews, at least we knew the real god. But you guys; verse 8:

8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods.

We were slaves to the law. You guys were slaves in another way.

Christ died to redeem us from the curse of the law. You guys, he's redeemed you from something even worse.

Now don't lose track. Remember; we're looking for basic life principles. We're looking for stoicheia. And here we come. Right there in verse 9.

9 But now that you know God-or rather are known by God-how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? 10 You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! 11 I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.

And again. Just take a moment looking at the words. See if you can see it.

This time in our English translation it only gets one word. Ours has got forces.

In other versions the better translation is basic principles.

Here's the thing they're a tragic risk of turning back to.

They've come such a long way. From not knowing God at all. Serving non gods. From idolatry. To not just knowing god, but far better than that, being known by God...

God knows you now! It's astonishing. It's grace. It's not dependent on what you've done or what you do; or even what you're going to do...

So why, says Paul, given all of that, would you turn back to those weak and miserable basic principles.

Which will just make you slaves again again; he says literally. Two Greek words for again. In a row. All over again.

There's a stoicheia; a set of underlying principles in their idolatry. That in Paul's eyes look very much like life under the law for Israel.

And they're just switching across. Transferring one kind of slavery for another.

If you've travelled anywhere in Asia you might get a sense of what he's on about.

Travel just about anywhere in fact where there's evidence of religion; the temples; the idols; the top tourist spots.

There are basic principles of religion; that look very much the same. Which is kind of why people maybe say that all religions... are... basically the same. Searching for "god". Trying to appease.

Making sacrifices. Washing rituals. Paying your way.

Priests. And special robes.

Carefully observed rules and laws and regulations. You must speak quietly here. You must take off your shoes. You must observe special days. On Fridays you can't eat meat. On Monday there's a feast day. Do not do this, do not do this, do not do this.

They're stoicheia. Basic principles. Just the way the spiritual world works... isn't it?


Paul says to the Galatians, we had ours, you had yours. They made both of us slaves.

And now in Christ there's freedom. For all of us. So why let these Judaisers guys from Jerusalem come and take you back again to slavery?

Special days, says Paul. Special months. Special seasons. Special years.

They make us slaves. And yet we love them.

Verse 11. Have I been wasting my time?

These guys come down from Jerusalem, verse 17; they flatter you; they say nice things to you. They offer you some new Jewish festivals and principles and laws to replace your old ones. And suddenly - pffft. Gospel gone.

He says to them, back at the start when I came to you you were so good to me. Now you're listening to them. So now, it's like I'm having to give birth to you all over again...

19 My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you, 20 how I wish I could be with you now and change my tone, because I am perplexed about you!

Can't believe that having been freed from the religious principles of their idolatry. They're stepping straight back into the Jewish stoicheia. Of the law.

Now. Don't lose sight of the fact we're chasing through this theme of stoicheia. Principles. Alignments. Rules to live by. And we're getting close to number 3.


Before we get there you'll see in verse 21 to 31 there's the confusing little section about Abraham's two sons; that we made even more confusing in growth groups by getting the labels wrong on the diagram. But look; even more confusing again; if you were the first readers. Because what Paul's saying is incredibly cheeky. To anyone Jewish. Because he's taking the whole story of their Jewish heritage. And their descent from Sarah the free wife. And he's totally turning it on its head. Which is ultimately why it's confusing.

The Old Testament says that the nation of Israel. comes from Abraham and his wife Sarah. Who was infertile and too old. Until God stepped in and kept his promise.

In the meantime Abraham's decided to solve it himself, so he has a son by Sarah's slave girl Hagar. Which started all kinds of trouble. As that kind of thing always will. The starting point of the hostile nations around Israel.

But look, in a bold twist in verse 24, Paul flips the story on its head.

And he says the Judaisers. The law pushers. The flatterers who are trying to win over the Galatians to basic principles of their Jewish laws and rules; he says, those guys. Are the son of the slave woman. Which at the time would have been astonishingly contentious. They're the slaves. Verse 31. And we're not.

And the slavery he's talking about is slavery to the stoicheia, the basic principles... of the law. Which you won't want to take on to replace your slavery to the basic principles of your idolatry. It's not the fix you're looking for.

Got it? If you haven't, try 5 verse 1 and 2. Look in your bible.

1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. 2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.

One bit of the law. All of the law. The fact is, you've started the journey with the spirit. So why jump off the train now and try to get righteous by the law.

We're going to come back to chapter 5 in detail in a couple of weeks. And it's important we do. Because it answers so many questions.

And it's all about the spirit. And what the spirit does in us. And the righteousness the spirit brings; by changing us from the inside out. Unlike the law; that only ever changes from the outside in.


Which is the final hint in our quest for the ultimate principles to live by; in our search for Paul's third reference to this Greek idea of the stoicheia, the underlying principles. And we need to jump ahead a little and dip in; to chapter 5, verse 25.

Where in our English version the stoicheia word, the principles word, the alignment word; it's completely hidden. in the idea of a bunch of soldiers that count off and march in step in a line.

I'll put in on the screen in context.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

The idea's hidden under keep in step.

But the word Paul's using there is be stoicheia-d. Be principled. Be shaped. You can see another version translates it, "By the spirit we will also behave." The spirit will be our stoicheia.

The spirit. Will give us our underlying shaping. That we live by. It's not going to be the Jewish law. And it's certainly not going to be our old idolatries. But by the spirit at work in us. Making us more like Jesus. Putting to death the selfish ways of the flesh, says Paul, and putting on Christ. Like an overcoat.

More on this next time. Two weeks from now.

But look at the kind of right living that's going to come from the fruit of the spirit.

Maybe you've sold out your understanding of the work of the spirit to the Pentecostals. That the Spirit's more at work if you're having visions or if you're singing certain songs or if you're feeling certain emotions. Or if you're speaking in tongues.

What Paul's interested in is the fruit of the Spirit. The transformed life. The right living. That comes from love. And joy. See his list? The peace. The forbearance. Patience with each other. The kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. The self control. The law could never bring those things. Only punish the lack of them.

See what he says there at the end of verse 23. Against such things there is no law.

Living by the spirit. You don't need to be told not to kill someone. Because you'll be patient with them from your heart. You'll be kind and gentle. Killing them. Will be the last thing on your mind. You know that. You know you've got to keep in step with the Spirit, you know you've got other inclinations... but you don't need the law telling you what the battle is.

Don't steal? Friend, if you're by the spirit a person of kindness and faithfulness, and you're full of self control, I don't need to lock up my stuff when you visit. I can give you my keys. You'll be bending over backwards to share your stuff with me. Always bringing something over. Giving stuff away.

By the spirit. Being principled by... the spirit.

Here's the summary. Simple. Quick.

Stoicheia. And old Greek word that means basic principles; that shape everything else.

Number 1. Paul says, don't go looking to our old principles. The Jewish Law. Just made us slaves.

Number 2. You non Jews, you had your stoicheia as well. Gods who weren't even gods. Rules that weren't even rules. You're free from them. So don't. Make the mistake of swapping those for our old law rules.

But be ruled by the spirit instead. The spirit principle.

He actually uses the same word once more right at the end of the letter. But we'll leave that one and pick it up when we come to chapter 6.

I want to wrap up a quick thought. And then a question that's come up through growth groups.


First up, your guiding principles. Another way of putting it, your idolatries.

Because ultimately we're just like the Galatians, and the people around us are caught up and our hearts and our deepest principles, our stoicheia, they're pre-programmed by all kind of gods that are not gods.

And it's worth thinking about what they are. So we can make sure we've deprogrammed ourselves. And walk by the spirit instead.

It would be a shame wouldn't it; to find we haven't even got to square one. Of leaving behind our gods that are not gods.

And so Suncorp might be right about you... that money lies so close to most of your hearts. As the real way to freedom. Or security. Or power. Or love. No surprise I guess that Jesus identified money as the great idol. You can't serve both.

Paul says to us, if you want real freedom. It's in the gospel. Of the Father's acceptance of you. In Christ. and what he's done for you. And then stepping in time with the spirit.

If you want real security. Here's where you can find love and our joy and our peace. You really can. You really will. And you won't find it. Where Suncorp says you will. Although most people say, well, I think I'll give it a try.

The philosopher Bertrand Russell said the four human desires that make our world are acquisitiveness, rivalry, vanity and love of power.

He reckons those are the world's stoicheia. Trouble is if he's right, they can never be satisfied, can they? And if you try to throw the law at them, if you think more rules are the way to change. To truly change. Even biblical rules. You're in danger of missing the point of the gospel. Which is we've been saved in a rescue mission. By faith in the Lord Jesus. And we're becoming like him. By the Spirit.

And our acquisitiveness. Our rivalry. Our vanity. Our love of power. They're all now in the painful process of being challenged and poked and prodded and re-shaped not by the law but by God's spirit at work in our hearts. One step at a time.

Just time for one question that I'll pick up from growth groups. There have been a few questions and comments coming through. If you're not in a group you can email me. Or chat at morning tea.

So this one. If we're not under the Old Testament law, then what use is the Old Testament?

Look I'm glad someone asked that. And my first answer is, well, maybe go back and listen through some of our Old Testament series, because it's obvious I hope we preach the Old Testament at MPC regularly. Just not as law. We just worked our way through Exodus earlier this year. Last year second Samuel. Look back on the Web site over the years and we've covered almost the whole lot.

But always, with a focus forward on the fulfillment. That was coming in Jesus. Always. With a focus on the fact that Israel's story, and Israel's law... was never going to be the end of the story.

Here's how Paul puts it in 2 Timothy 3. Writing to his ministry trainee.

He says,

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

See what he's saying? At every point the Old Testament Scriptures are the way forward. To Jesus. And the gospel. Not somewhere to stop. Make you wise for salvation... through faith in Christ. Jesus.

Which for today is where we're stopping. And more after Doug in two weeks.