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January 28 - 2 Timothy 2 - "Good Workers"

MPC 28th January 2018.

Phil Campbell

I was fascinated to hear Alan Shanks last Sunday; if you were at the 10:30 service we farewelled them and I asked Alan and Marion a few questions up the front. And there's one thing he said that I said I was going to use it as a sermon illustration one day. So... why not today, while it's fresh?

Alan and Marion left us last week after 42 years at MPC because they've moved to a retirement village over at Taigum. And I asked Alan what he'd been encouraged by in his 42 years at MPC. And he said "It's always been a church where the gospel of Jesus has been front and centre."

He said "We were living at another place for a few years, I was helping teach the Sunday school. And he said as teachers we were given a list of priorities in our teaching. And he said, "I kept looking down the list for anything about Jesus."

And he said he finally found a mention. Number 27. After everything else.

Which means they clearly hadn't heard the Colin Buchanan kids' song called Jesus Is Number One.


And they also clearly hadn't read Paul's words to Timothy here in 1 Timothy 2 and 3. That are in a sense Paul's list of priorities. For Timothy as a church leader. Start with me in chapter 2 verse 15; and then follow on to see the way he unpacks what he means...

Timothy, in a sense, has been Paul's apprentice. Now Paul's left him in charge. And he says this.

15Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

This morning we're commissioning Doug as a senior member of our ministry team. And we're commissioning a whole lot of other people as well. You saw their names; we prayed for them earlier.

And these words are particularly aimed at people like those.

And I hope if you're teaching kids' church or youth church or a Latechurch or morning church growth group; or if you're teaching here in big church like Doug. You'll be asking the question week after week after week: what do I need to do to become a better workman? To correctly handle the word of truth?

And so I want to take just a moment to look at what Paul says are the qualities of a good worker. Because that's gotta set our priorities in what we train towards and what we look for. And what we're asking all our leaders to aspire to.

And step number 1, we already saw it in the verse, is that Paul's concerned about the way Timothy handles the scriptures.

Look again in verse 15 and you'll see that he says to Timothy you want to be able to stand before God unashamed on the last day... because you've correctly handled the word of truth.

Which gives rise to the very un-fashionable thought that not everyone is going to be right in the way they handle the Bible.

I mean, that's what you get taught in English classes at school these days, that's what you get taught in literature at uni. That a text itself has no meaning, that it's the meaning to you that matters. That it's just how you interpret it; that the author doesn't have the right to impose meaning but the reader does. That everyone is equally right. That it's not what the passage says that matters but what the passage is saying to you. To which Paul says a very polite no; that a good workman in the original wording is literally going to cut straight the word of truth.

I still remember my woodwork class at school. Look, I couldn't cut straight for nuts. Especially with the jewellery box project in year 10. One side not quite straight. So I trimmed down the other three sides to match. And then another side didn't quite line up. So I trimmed down the other three sides with the band saw. To match. And one by one the sides got lower and lower and lower untail it was a side-less box. Because I just couldn't cut straight.

Paul says, with the scriptures, cut straight.

And what that looks like is in the next few verses. Because Paul says, Cut any straight line through the Old Testament scriptures, and there's one place you'll always end up.

He says to Timothy, other people are teaching other stuff. Deceiving and being deceived. but as for you, we're stepping down to chapter 3 verse 14, continue in what you've learned and become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it and how from infancy you have known the holy scriptures... and here's the point ... which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

There's what a straight cut looks like. Because in a sense the whole bible is leading up to that big climactic idea that the one who died for sin is king. And if you're going to be saved from sin and it's consequences, he's the one you've got to turn to.

And so Paul says to Timothy in all your teaching of the Old Testament Scriptures... if you're not wising people up for that... you're missing the fundamental point. And just pushing moralism maybe or legalism, or some other kind of ism.

Jesus isn't just number 27 on a list of priorities. Paul says, teach people the scriptures so it lights up their expectations of Jesus. Teach people the scriptures so that it shows the gaping hole that Jesus is going to fill up. Teach people the scriptures so that when they see a prophet they're always longing for the greater prophet, when they see a king they're always longing for a better king, when they read the story of Israel they're longing for the one who's going to bring that story to a grand conclusion; when they read the story of the spread of sin; they'll know where to look for a saviour.

Because the whole point of the scriptures, says Paul, is to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. To understand that the one who died for sin is king. And then... to teach you, to correct you, to sometimes rebuke you; to train you in righteousness. Show you what it looks like to live for Jesus.

That's Timothy's toolkit. "So that the man of God, so that the good workman, verse 17, may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

As a good workman, first and foremost Timothy's going to be on about teaching the scriptures; in a way that's leading people to faith in Jesus.

Fundamental. First and foremost. To being any kind of Christian worker. Doug. We're commissioning you today to do that. Kids ministry leaders. Youth leaders. Growth Group leaders. We're commissioning you today. To do that. With those you lead.

But there's more to it.


Here's the other thing to watch if Timothy is going to be a good workman. Because if you're holding out the word of life, you'll need to be sure that your life is going to match your words.

Now it's interesting in the entertainment industry at the moment, isn't it? And a bit surprising. Who would have thought. They reckon everyone's nervous about the Oscars. Because they're worried that they're going to nominate someone for an award. And then find out they're caught up in a sex scandal.

Like Harvey Weinstein.
Like Craig McLachlan.
Like Woody Allen.
Like Kevin Spacey.

They're even struggling to find presenters that aren't going to be booed off the stage. And so Casey Affleck yesterday announced he won't be turning up to present the best actor award.

Hollywood journalist Richard Rushfield says, "There are all sorts of whispers about people. The Academy has no precedent for how to deal with something like this. It's endless, and they're ill equipped."

Now to me the funny thing is, this is the bunch of people who've been promoting free and easy sex for the last fifty years. And now suddenly they've realised there are boundaries. And that your behaviour in real life actually matters. No wonder they're not equipped.

Who'd have thought?

Well, if the way you conduct yourself as a movie producer or an actor matters, Paul says it matters even more so if you're going to be a good workman of the gospel.

If you're going to step up to lead people to live for the king who died for sin. Then you're going to have to live like you mean it yourself.

We're back in chapter 2. Verse 21 and 22.

He says in the same house you'll find a toilet brush in the bathroom; and you'll find the best silverware tucked away in a drawer. That only gets put out for special occasions. And if you're going to be a good worker, if you're going to lead well; don't be the toilet brush.

In other words, get serious about Godliness.

Take a look at his words:

In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If you cleanse yourself from the latter, you'll be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

See Timothy, it's not just working hard to correctly teach the word of truth and get your doctrine right. You can be right about everything. And not model any of it.

If you're going to lead and teach, Paul says you'll need to be showing people the struggle; by the Spirit, you'll be showing people what it looks like to live with Jesus as king. You'll be serious about modelling what repentance looks like. And getting very good at it. About demonstrating what humility looks like. And integrity. And sexual purity.

Verse 22. Paul says to Timothy, "Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart."

Now Doug... you've left youth behind a while back. But can I urge you. To keep on fleeing evil desires. And keep chasing integrity; and Godliness. And modelling that for us.

Our kids' leaders. And youth leaders. Can I urge you every bit as much to do the same. Because it's profoundly important that you're modelling what you're teaching. Will you do that?

Because unlike Doug, lots of you are youthful. And there are desires that come with that. That Timothy knows all about.

Now it's important to keep in mind. Paul's said it to Timothy before in the first letter he wrote him.

It's not perfection Paul's looking for. It's progress. And it's perseverance. Every leader is a work in progress.

15 Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

There's all sorts of other stuff Paul's calling on Timothy to do. Stamping out false teaching. Standing up to the guys who are putting around wrong ideas.

But the one final thought I want to leave with you is that Paul wants Timothy to be the model of graciousness. Gently defusing. See, it's so easy to argue, isn't it?

But verse 24,

the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth. And then they'll come to their senses and escape the trap of the devil.

Sometimes people step up for leadership because they love winning. Because they want to be first. Because they know lots of stuff and they love being right.

Paul says, if you're going to serve God's church, it's not about winning the argument. It's about winning the people. With gentleness. Rather than cleverness. With Godliness. Rather than arguments.

Timothy's job is to teach the truth. And Timothy's job is to live the truth. Especially in the way he engages with the enemies of the truth.

Now I just want to make the point as we watch Paul shaping the ministry of his apprentice Timothy, as we read this private correspondence, that the task of shaping leaders is still very real today. And you're privileged, I think, here at MPC, to be part of a church family where that's actively happening. And you can watch it. And you can touch it. And you can even actually be part of it.


And of course the point is, Paul wants leaders like this. Because he wants them to multiply. More and more people. More like Jesus. He wants leaders like this. Because he wants churches full of Christians like this.

The reason we're commissioning Doug to teach the word well in a way that keeps on point to Jesus; is that God's intention is for more and more people to understand the gospel and grow in gospel maturity. The reason he wants Doug to live as a Godly example is so you'll be committed to following that example.

The reason he wants people like Shalom and Danita and Joanna and Matthew and Aaron and Natalie and Katy and Will to cut straight God's word and to teach it and to live it is so the next generation of kids gets to hear that and see it. And so live it themselves. Our Growth Group leaders. You're actually chosen. And being commissioned. Because we think you're Godly and capable leaders.

All 107 of you. Thanks so much for stepping up. To do that this year. If this is your second or your third or your fifteenth year, thanks for keeping at it. Thanks for starting out. If you're just beginning.

And to you Doug. As you've brought Marike and your kids half way around the world. Welcome. And thank you. And as we commission you this morning we pray for God's blessing on your ministry. That by his spirit at work in you he'd enable you to teach his word powerfully. And live your life winsomely. As a gospel example of integrity and grace.