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June 17 - Acts 24-26 - "Resisting the Gospel"

MPC 17th June 2018.

Dan Wilton

Over the weekend my wife, Nicky. Had her wisdom teeth out. She's been recovering in bed for the last couple of days.

It has well and truly justified my fear of dentists. And I am sure I am not alone.

Just the thought of having to sit in a torture chair. I mean someone stabbing you in the mouth with giant needles, and then forcibly yanking out your teeth! No wonder so many people hate going to the dentist. I hate it so much. I try and avoid anything to do with dentists. Refuse to even go. Some might say its verging on an unhealthy phobia.

My record for avoiding the dentist was 8 years. I just kept putting it off. I couldn't bring myself to book an appointment. I thought they'd just put me through a world of pain. And charge me a fortune for it. Even when I'd get a sharp tooth ache. I'd just ignore it. Try and distract myself from the pain. Tell myself it was nothing. So I kept putting it off. Just ignore it. Move on.

It was ridiculous. I know. But I was adamant I was going to avoid the dentist at all cost.

And I wonder, whether there's sometimes a similar avoidance. A similar resistance when it comes to Jesus. And the Christian life. We know there are some issues that we're very happy to put off. To ignore. Resist dealing with.

There are things in our lives that we suspect we should do something about. But we don't. And life just goes on. Feel the sharp tooth ache. Just take some more Nurophen®. Or do anything to avoid dealing with the problem.

This morning we meet four people who resist Jesus. Four people who have four types of resistance. And then one person whose resistance is overcome. Overcomes that resistance. A whole bunch of people who are holding Jesus just at bay. And one guy who manages to see that and get through it.


This morning we're up to our second last talk from the book of Acts. Over the last couple of weeks we've been following Paul on his road trips. As he travels throughout modern day Turkey, Europe and the Mediterranean. Taking the good news that Jesus is King to ends of the earth.

Last week we saw Paul arrive back at the head office. In Jerusalem. But there's no ticker tape parade. No welcome home party waiting for Paul. Instead he's met by an angry mob - which seems to be an occupational hazard for Paul.

Paul's falsely accused of being a troublemaker. He's dragged in front of a Jewish lynch mob. He's slapped around by the Jewish religious leaders. And receives some serious death threats.

In chapter 23, Paul's put in protective custody. Transferred to Caesarea. And passed on to the Roman Governor to face trial. And from Acts 24. Paul faces trial after trial. False accusation after false accusation. He appears first, before Governor Felix. Who keeps Paul locked up for two years.

And then in chapter 25. Two years later. He stands trial before a new Governor. Porcius Festus. Yes, that's he's real name - you can imagine he would have had a rough childhood. Festus has no idea what to do about this bizarre case.

The Jews are still out for blood. But their accusations are full of holes. And Festus can't see what Paul has done wrong. And so he's tempted to just hand Paul back to the Jews to do what they want. But in chapter 25 verse 11, Paul plays his ace. He's a Roman Citizen. And that means he's got the right to appeal to Caesar. Which is what he does.

But Festus needs some help. Because before he can send him to Caesar, he's got to figure out exactly what Paul's done wrong. Now it just so happens King Agrippa's in town. The King of the Jews. With his sister Bernice. They're visiting the new Governor. Festus.

And while the King's in town, Festus wants to get some advice on the strangest case he's had all year. The case of Paul. And King Agrippa's keen to hear first hand. Which brings us to the reading that was read for us in Chapters 25 and 26. The final court case in the book of Acts. The final hearing for the Apostle Paul. Paul's dragged out on trial again. In the dock. In chains. Verse 23.

And then the courtroom begins to fill up. Everyone who's anyone. Out in all their finery. Imagine the scene. The trumpets. The red carpet. Verse 23 in chapter 25:

The next day Agrippa and Bernice turn up with great pomp and come into the audience room with the high ranking military officers and the prominent men of the city. At the command of Festus, Paul was brought in.

Anyone who's anyone. Packed into the court room.

In the sidelines you've got the Jewish authorities who arrested Paul in the first place. The military. The press core. The leading government authorities. And royalty. All there to hear Paul's case. There's a hush. The court's called to order.

And Paul steps up to give his defence. By sharing his story. About how he used to resist Jesus. From chapter 26, verse 2. And it's quite a story. He says, I'm the guy who used to hunt down Christians and vote for the death penalty. And now I'm one of them

It's a radical turnaround. Miraculous. Paul begins his defence by sharing what he used to be. In verse 4. The Jews have known me since I was a boy. I was a Pharisee, verse 5... living according to the strictest sect of our religion. Kept all the rules and regulations. And then moves on to share how he actively RESISTED Jesus.


There are all types of people who resist Jesus. For all types of reasons. But Paul said he used to resist Jesus out of BLIND OBSESSION.

See when he was a Jew, Paul hated Jesus. Hated Christians. Hated everything they stood for. In fact he'd spent his life dedicated to convincing people to forget Jesus. See how he puts it in verse 9:

I too was convinced that I ought to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

His resistance to Jesus was blind obsession. Paul had grown up a Jew. Somehow he thought Jesus was against Judaism. And so Paul describes himself as this gun-ho. Unthinking. Anti-Jesus fanatic! From verse 11. Chapter 26:

Many a time I went from one synagogue to another to have them punished, and tried to force them to blaspheme. I was so obsessed with persecuting them. That I even hunted them down in foreign cities.

Paul describes his own resistance to Jesus as an obsession.


And then we meet our second group of people who resist Jesus. The Jewish religious leaders. We only get a very small glimpse of the Jewish authorities. A very small glimpse in verse 10. But we know heaps about them from the rest of Acts. These guys have a love of power.

Paul describes their role in resisting Jesus. And says essentially. These religious leaders gave permission notes for people to go persecute the Christians. They loved the power to protect their way of life. The power to pass out death warrants.

Paul says it in verse 10:

On the authority of the chief priests I put many of the Lords people in prison. And even approved of them being put to death.

Resistance from blind obsession. Resistance from a love of power.


And then we meet Festus. Porcius Festus. Whose resistance to Jesus is probably one of the easiest to relate to. Festus just wants to IGNORE Jesus.

Paul's giving his defence. And concludes in verse 23. That there's a King who has more power than any other human authority. Jesus who has power even over death.

Well by this stage. Festus has had enough of Paul. He's obviously scared by something. Because he suddenly interrupts Paul's defence. And blurts out: You're out of your mind, Paul! Your great learning is driving you insane!"

He doesn't even engage with anything Paul's said. Fingers in the ears. Like a child. Shouts. And goes LA LA LA LA LA...

This guy's fearful. Unwilling to even engage.

Obsession. And Power. And Fear.


And finally we come to Agrippa. Who's resistance is to just put Jesus off. Delay.

Agrippa is a full blown Jew. And Paul knows this. So Paul appeals to Agrippa's heritage. Agrippa's got every reason to believe the prophets who spoke about the resurrection. He's got every reason to investigate Jesus.

See, Agrippa is the the son of Herod the Great. The same Herod we've already met in the book of Acts. All the way back in chapter 12. Who was also faced with Jesus. He's the guy who ignored Jesus. Resisted Jesus. Tried to have Jesus' followers killed.

And when Herod refused to acknowledge Jesus as King. Well he was struck down by God and eaten by worms. Now his son, Agrippa comes face to face with Jesus. And of all people. He should have known the power of Jesus. Known the folly of resisting the risen King.

But instead of wanting to hear more. Instead of acknowledging Jesus as the true powerful King. He cautiously hedges his bets. And puts it off without dealing with anything. Have a look from verse 27:

Paul said: "King Agrippa do you believe the prophets? I know you do!"

And Agrippa replied and said to Paul, "do you think that in such a short time, you can persuade me to be a Christian?"

No Paul. I'm not going to do it now... Maybe later.

Paul. The religious Leaders. Festus. Agrippa.

Obsession. Fear. Power. And delay.

Different reasons but all of them a way to resist Jesus.

And I wonder if you have a way of resisting Jesus?

Maybe you've got an obsession. You're so obsessed to make money. So obsessed to have a good job. So obsessed with your marriage or your kids. That Jesus is just on the sideline. So hungry for power. That the power of Jesus is a threat. Scared of facing up to something in your own life or own heart.

Or maybe you're putting things off. Delaying. One day you'll think about Jesus. One day you'll worry about that. Deal with him then. What's it for you? Somehow I think we find there's a sort of comfort in holding Jesus off.

Even if you've been a Christian for ages. There's a sort of comfort in not really thinking about what it means to follow Jesus. Just delaying it. Putting it off. Not having to worry about it just yet.

But we'd be much better off dropping the resistance.

Remember my fear of dentists. Well Not long after Nicky and I were married. After years of putting off a trip to the dentist. 8 years to be exact. Nicky finally forced me to go. I stopped resisting. I faced up to it. And prepared myself for countless fillings. Needles. And all round torture. I was called in. Sat in the chair. The dentist checked my mouth. Did a bit of a clean. And then told me to floss more. That was it! No more living in fear of the dentist.


And here's the thing. Of the four people who resisted Jesus in this chapter. One of them - Paul - eventually meets Jesus face to face and deals with his resistance.

The conversion of Paul is a miraculous story! You can read more about it in Acts 9. Paul's life was completely turned upside down.

And what changed Paul's resistance was encountering Jesus for himself. It wasn't until Paul heard Jesus' voice. Till he understood Jesus' claims. Until he saw what Jesus offered. That Paul put his resistance down. When Paul, who was then known as Saul, was walking on a road to Damascus. When he encounters Jesus for the first time. You can see it there in verse 14. Chapter 26.

Jesus appears in a blinding light. Paul and his mates fall to the ground. And Paul hears a voice saying "Saul Saul, why do you persecute me? It's hard for you to kick against the goads."

Just a small aside - goads were a pointy stick you'd use to keep the ox in line when you were ploughing the field.

Anyway... Saul it's hard to kick against the very thing that's meant to keep you in line. And Paul asks: 'Who are you Lord?' I am Jesus who you are persecuting' The Lord replied. Paul hears Jesus. And he sees Jesus. And he's shocked. Jesus shocks him so much, he goes blind for a number of days.

But what he hears persuades him to totally give himself to Jesus and the Christian life. Because in the face of Jesus' words, Paul sees that his obsession. Hunger for power. Fear and Delay are foolish responses.

Because what Jesus is offering is like day compared to night. A life where every evil deed is known, but forgiven.

A life where every failure. Every habit. Every sin. Every annoying toothache you won't deal with. Is slowly but surely transformed. This is the mission Jesus was making Paul a part of. Look in verse 17:

I'm sending you to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light. And from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.

So, Paul becomes the champion of Jesus. He drops his resistance. He's even willing to endure court case after court case. All the way to Rome where he'll be thrown in prison. And eventually die. Paul's resistance overcome by an encounter with the risen King. Jesus.


All of us here this morning. Me. You. All of us here this morning have or will resist Jesus at one time or another. Either resist following him completely. Or resist living for him in the way we know the Bible wants us to.

I don't know where you are today?

Maybe you're here this morning. And you've been investigating this Christianity thing. Checking out who this Jesus is. If that's you. Can I say that's fantastic. Please keep asking your questions.

But there will be a time when you'll need to stop resisting Jesus. And honestly weigh up who he truly is. Decide if you'll start following him as the risen King of your life or not. Please don't keep putting it off. Make that decision.

Or maybe you're someone who's stuck in a particular sin. A particular habit. And you don't need me tell you its dishonouring to Jesus. But you refuse to deal with it. You don't want to. Or just don't know how to bring Jesus into that part of your life.

Obsession. Power. Fear. Delay.

This morning you can end the resistance. Admit to Jesus that you're holding him off.

Admit your obsession and how it's been sidetracking you from Jesus. Confess your hunger for power. Courageously tell God you're scared of what following him might mean in different parts of your life.

Decide you can't delay any longer.

And then by the grace of God. You can join many of those at MPC who have had their resistance broken down by an encounter with Jesus.

And start living for him. The Risen King.