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September 30 - James 1:2-4 - "Faith and Trials"

MPC 30th September 2018.

Luke Peterson

Are you guys familiar with the great Aussie greeting of "How ya going!?" You know that question people ask you that they don't really want your honest answer to?

"How ya going?" Well I want to ask you this morning... How are you actually going? How has this last week been for you? If you were to think back over the last 7 days... what's happened in your life?

Maybe you've had a good week? You know things seemed to fall into place... had some wins... you're on top of the washing... maybe your team got up this week... had dinner out with some friends... you know I started the week with 3 kids and still have all 3... well that could be good or bad I don't know... but you know you've had a decent week?

Or maybe you've just had just one of those weeks we all have from time to time... those ones you would prefer to forget? One of those weeks where nothing seems to go right? Maybe there's even trouble at home... or at work... or you've just had some real setbacks this week and you feel like you're dragging yourself in the doors this morning beaten and bruised...

We all have those weeks right!?

It's just a reality of life isn't it!? From one week to the next... we just don't know what we're going to get!? It's the roller coaster that's life... you can go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows in an instant!

And James, the half brother of Jesus, is writing to a bunch of people, who've been on the roller coaster a few times.

He's writing to people who have gone through some serious difficulties... they've lost their homes, been forced to flee, they're being persecuted and suffering. Refugees of the ancient world. And even in the places they end up they are still encountering problems!

And as we saw last week James is concerned for them and their faith. That they have real faith... a faith that leads to action!

And that's what this holiday series is about... keepin' it real. We're looking at what James has to say about real faith and how that plays out in our lives. Even in the tough times.

See, James knows as he writes this letter that they're doing it tough... and he wants to ensure that they have real faith... in the midst of trials. And so today we're thinking about what it looks like to have real faith... not in the highs of life where it all seems to come together... but in the lows of life... in the midst of trials. How do people of real faith respond to the trials of life?

Well... James has an interesting response. Have a look at what he says. Verse 2. "Consider it pure joy... when you face trials of many kinds"

Just stop for a minute and think about that... How do you respond to something like that? Consider it pure joy... when you face trials?

Imagine the first readers response. Like... "Hey, guys... we just got a nice letter of encouragement from Pastor James... he said that he knows we're suffering but just be happy!?"

Like, are you serious James!? What's wrong with you? Are you some kind of emotionally detached masochistic psycho!? Just be happy when you suffer?? Really???

Before we start judging him. Let's look at what he actually says.

He says... "Consider it pure joy"... do you know what it means to consider something?

Trusty Google defines it as "thinking carefully about something before making a decision."

It's all about careful and deliberate judgment coming from knowledge and not subjective feelings... It's about stopping... and thinking about something... before reacting or making a judgment... And we're not always so good at this...

Like I doubt if someone cut in front of you this morning in the car park and stole your parking spot... I doubt that in that moment the first words that come to mind due to careful thought is "God bless you... " It's probably some other words that come to mind..

Because your emotions flair up... And the same thing happens when we face trials...

It's our emotions that flair up right? We're not often thinking clearly and objectively... we're thinking subjectively and emotionally. Whether its anger, or grief or anxiety... our emotions come thick and fast and they're often what controls our actions and our mind set... and that's perfectly normal and natural... its ok to feel things... James isn't denying emotions here...

But here James is saying, even in the midst of all of that emotion to make an objective judgment about trials... to consider them pure joy...

So what does that mean? Just decide to be happy then?

Well, no... James uses the word "joy".

There is a big difference between happiness and joy...

Happiness is based on our circumstances... Joy is in-spite of our circumstances.

You know if you go into work and find out you're getting a pay rise... Yay happy!

If you go into work and find out your boss is quitting... Yay happy!

But happiness is so fleeting... you go into work and find out you're laid off.

You get that phone call that changes your life forever...

Where's happiness then? Its gone right? That's because happiness is based on your circumstances...

But while happiness if based on your circumstances... Joy is in-spite of your circumstances... Joy is something different... It is based on something solid and unchanging... Not on your circumstances...

So he says... consider it pure joy... whenever you face trials..

Now gotta be honest here... I was really hoping he said if and not when...

If you happen to have a few trials...

That is what I was hoping for... You know, what are my odds of facing trials in life? Well... 100%!

We're gonna get trials. There's no if; it's when... You will get trials! Guaranteed!

That's the reality of living in a broken sinful world is that sometimes life is going to get tough... and that's the same for those of us who have faith in Jesus and those who don't!

Becoming a Christian doesn't mean that you float on angels' wings with health, wealth and prosperity coming out your pores. I saw this quote during the week that said: "God wants us to prosper financially, to have plenty of money, to fulfil the destiny He has laid out for us."

And while that sounds good... it has no biblical basis... because a life that has been saved by Jesus and lived for Jesus is the best life... but it's not guaranteed to be the easiest life. Life will get tough sometimes. There will be trials. And you don't need me to tell you that. You know it all too well.

For some of you... you've just come out of a trial... for others of you... it's on the horizon and you can see the clouds brewing... And let's be honest... because this isn't some theory to be discussed... this is reality for some us right now...

I know for a fact there are some of us here in this room... are hurting this morning... there's stuff going on in your life... and you're hurting... you're really struggling... and you're in a trial right now...

And it could have come from any area of your life, right? That's what he says, he says you will face "trials of many kinds... " It could have come from anywhere... Emotional, physical, spiritual, mental, relational.

It could be that your relationship has fallen apart... you've lost your job... someone you who's close to you has died... you could be physically suffering this morning... terminal illness... long term sickness... maybe depression... anxiety... I mean it could be any number or any combination of things, right?

It could come from anywhere in life... and at anytime...

And sometimes what happens is, you get through a trial in one area of your life, you're like, "Phew! Glad that's over!" But then you're in a trial in another area of your life...

Trials can and will come in many kinds from all areas of life..

James says we are going to face trials of many kinds... and they're called trials for a reason... They're not easy! They hurt!

They have the ability to beat us down and overwhelm us! To keep us up at night! To plague our minds with worry and anxiety... To drive us to utter despair.

And so to hear James' words "consider it pure joy"... you can be like, "are you serious?" How could I possibly consider anything about his joyful... How could there be joy in this? What is there to be joyful about? Don't you know how much I'm hurting!? Don't you know how much I've been damaged!? Don't you get that I'm dying inside!? Even if I tried how could I possibly consider it pure joy!?

Well, James continues. Verse 3. have a look there with me... this is James' reassuring truth in the midst of trials... Here is his reassurance..

He says... consider it pure joy... when you face trials of many kinds... v.3 "Because you know... " ok so this is something you are meant to know... this is something to know... this is your life jacket in the storms of life... hold onto this... know this... "That the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

Ok so when a trial comes this is what we should know... that God uses testing... to strengthen faith!

It's not like the trials in your life catch God off guard and he's like, "Oh whoops didn't see that one coming... ok I'll just shift a few pieces around and let's make the best of a bad situation!" No!

God is sovereign... he's in control of all things... and so every trial that comes... God's sovereign over that and it presents itself as an opportunity to test real faith!

Now that word testing there... is the word used when describing the process of refining precious metal... so he isn't talking about passing a test of whether you have faith or not... but the process of refining or developing faith...

Ever seen a blacksmith in action? They get a chunk of steel and they chuck it in a fire. They then superheat the fire. They really turn the heat up. Up to 900 degrees!

The metal is heated almost to the point of it melting away completely. It's then that the blacksmith pulls the metal out of the fire. And then what do they do? Cool it down?

Nope... not yet... they get a bit fat hammer and smash the superheated metal. They pound it and pound it and pound it.

Then they cool it... and do it all over again...

And what happens to the metal? Is it destroyed? No!

It's purified... it's made stronger through the process! It comes out better than before!

And in the same way... the fires of life present an opportunity for real faith to be tested and strengthened and purified!

That as we are put into the fire and pulled out again... as we experience trials and hardships and suffering... that there's a greater purpose behind them... that every trial is an opportunity for faith to be strengthened!

And that's why for those of us who live by real faith, trials can be considered joy!

Because the spiritual reality behind the trials is that God is using the trials to develop and strengthen your faith!

And through the process of our faith continually being tested... through trials... a quality of faith is produced! Perseverance!

It literally means "to remain under"... It is this ability to endure... this ability to remain under hardship... to continue on when the going gets tough...

It's a quality that James sees in Job, a guy from the Old Testament. James speaks about him in Ch. 5 having this perseverance.

And Job.. he's a guy who knows trials! He lost all his livestock and lively hood, his servants were murdered, all his children were killed, he suffered physically with sickness and boils from head to toe... the list goes on and yet he "remained under"... he persevered! He had steadfastness!

And it's only through trials, through hardship, through suffering, that perseverance can be produced!

You don't develop perseverance or endurance out of nowhere!?

You know it's not like you just wake up one day and you have the ability to endure running a marathon!? Right? Nor do I have any idea why anyone would want to do that!

Runners only have the perseverance to run a marathon because they endure so much hardship in training and running before the main event, right!?

Perseverance is a quality that is developed over time through hardship!

And the same goes for spiritual perseverance... is developed through trials...

And this spiritual toughness... this perseverance is needed because James says that this is all working towards an ultimate result...

And so he says v.4 Let perseverance finish its work so that... ok here is the result.. the goal... the end game... you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Ok... Hands up who wants to be more like Jesus??

Now... hands up who wants trials?

Just so you know... it's the same question...

It's like saying "I wanna be buff without working out."

But there are no Jesus-roids that get you buff in Christ!

Our temptation is often to try and short cut the process...

But James says don't try and short cut the process... "let perseverance finish its work... "

I know for myself that whenever I'm undergoing a trial... when things start to get tough... my natural response is get me out of this! End the pain!

Right!? Like that is a pretty normal thing to do isn't it!?

And so more often than not I find myself praying "God, just fix this... get me out of this... take this away!" Don't you?

And while it's not wrong to ask God for relief from trials or that we shouldn't take steps to help fix things... like if you lose your job... it is right, while you're depending on God... to seek another job.

If the trial is sickness, you pray, but also get medical help!

If it is a difficult circumstance, it is not necessarily wrong to try to change the circumstance.

But so often we don't let perseverance finish its work... We want to pull the metal out of the fire before it's ready... We want to quit the marathon at the half way mark... We don't want to persevere... because we'd prefer earthly comfort over spiritual maturity! And so we struggle to submit to God in trials, we don't trust him and we close our heart off to God's purpose in trials!

And you know I've felt this more than ever since becoming a parent... I've got 3 kids... Obi, Flynn and Lacey... now don't get me wrong... I love my children dearly... they're a blessing from God... but there are days... when honestly I wish I could give them back to God - even just for a few hours... you know what I mean?

Don't let anyones Instagram posts fool you... those little people have a way of exposing dark and insidious parts of my heart like nothing else could...

Sleep deprivation, screaming, tantrums, ungratefulness, entitlement, bodily excrements in places you didn't think possible, it all has a way of wearing you down... and exposing you...

Until they came along I had no idea about the anger and selfishness that lay buried within my heart...

Kids have this uncanny ability to reveal things about you... And so often on the days when I lose my temper and act out anger and selfishness... I find myself blaming the kids for it...

Gosh he makes me so angry... if he just didn't do that then I wouldn't have been angry... it's their fault... God would you just give me children who are easy and do everything I tell them to!

But in reality... the problem isn't with my kids... it's a problem in my heart... the kids don't make me an angry person... I am a selfish and angry person and God is using the trials and the circumstances to reveal something about me... and to work on my heart...

I'm starting to realise that on the days when I'm struggling the most... and wish God would take the pain and trial away... to just make things easier... that's when he's doing his greatest work in my heart... without the trial... there would be no growth... that ungodliness would stay buried and hidden... God is using the trials to change me...

But you see that is the result... the goal... God's ultimate purpose in allowing trials... is that he would change us... that we might be "mature and complete, not lacking anything."

Guys, I want you to hear me on this... it's crucial, ok?... God's not always working to change your circumstances... but he is working to change you through your circumstances.

I'll say that again... God's not always working to change your circumstances... but he is working to change you through your circumstances.

And through trials God's working to change us to be mature and complete, not lacking in anything!

This doesn't mean that we somehow will arrive at a state of sinless perfection and perfect maturity...

But rather we will be spiritually mature... firm in our faith having our faith refined and purified and strengthen along the way... that we become more like Jesus in every part of our life... one day at a time...

That we might become everything that God desires us to become!

And sometimes our circumstances may never change... there may be trials that some of us will endure and we are never going to come out of...

But as followers of Jesus we can know he's at work in this life. Preparing us for a life to come when there will be no more trials and suffering and pain.

It's the goal and hope James talks about in verse 12. Have a look.

V.12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown oflifethat the Lord has promisedto those who love him.

If you are a follower of Jesus and you love him... be encouraged! That no matter what circumstance you might find yourself in, no matter what trials you're enduring, no matter the pain, no matter the loss... you can lose everything... but you still have God! And you can know that in everything God is working in you. and you have the promise of life with him to come!

And that's reason for great joy Isn't it?! Even in the midst of trials.

We don't rejoice in the trial itself... but its possible to find joy in the midst of them when we know and trust what God's doing through them!

We will encounter trials in life... trials of many kinds...

And they'll be hard... we'll at times feel beaten and broken... there'll be pain and sorrow and suffering...

But as people of faith... let us run to God in the midst of trials... let us cling to the Father who loves us and is working in us...

Let's seek him afresh...

Instead of running from him we can run to him... run to him in prayer and devotion... we can seek him through his word...

Instead of grumbling under the hardship of life we can rejoice that God's making us more like Jesus... one day at a time!

When we feel like despairing and giving up... that there's nothing to live for... when it feels like we are hopeless... we have the great hope and assurance of life to come!

That when we are afraid that life is out of control and we fear losing things we hold dear... we can know that God is in control and he is working through every situation for our good!

And I get it. It's not always easy to do this. But one of the great joys of being part of a community. Being part of the family of MPC. Is finding encouragement in each other...

Being apart of a family... a family who is there for each other in the highs and the lows of life... a family who are all persevering under trials... and who can be here for each other to encourage each other to keep persevering and keeping our eyes fixed on God...

And it can start now... As you go to morning tea and someone asks you how you're going... answer honestly! Share the highs and lows of your week... be real!

Or if someone does share they're having a tough week think about how you might be able to encourage them, don't just tell to "consider it all joy"... talk to them... love them... point them to the hope we have in Jesus...

Because it's in this hope that we can consider trials joy... because we know we have a God who loves us... who has saved us and given us hope for eternity... and that same God is working in us... and we can trust him to strengthen our faith in him... that we might become all he desires us to be.