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December 30 - Philippians 4:4-9 - "Getting in Shape for 2019"

MPC 30th December 2018.

Dan Wilton


We've made it to the end of another year! And 2019 is nearly upon us!

It's natural this time of year to start reflecting on the year that's been and start planning for the year ahead.

It's the time of year to make resolutions - new year's resolutions!

How are you going with your resolutions for 2019?

According to a news article I read this week. The most popular resolutions for the coming year are;

No surprises there! I feel like they're pretty much the same every year!

But I wonder if you have the same?

Or maybe it's more along the lines of spending more time with family or seeing the grandkids more often? Or perhaps this is the year you'll go on that holiday that you've been dreaming of for years.

This morning, I want us to see three things from this short passage from Philippians that should shape and influence our priorities for the year ahead.

The Apostle Paul's guide to living in 2019.


And here's the first one.

Paul starts there in verse 4 with the command - rejoice.

Have a look because he says it not once but twice.

Rejoice! Again I say rejoice!

Don't just rejoice once. But rejoice always!

Now, when I first read this I was a little sceptical.

It's the equivalent of someone who just been hit by a car and someone saying to them: 'just perk up you'll be fine!'

It doesn't seem all that sensitive.

What exactly does he mean by rejoice?

Well let me start by saying what it's not.

It's not walking around with a permanent smile on your face.

You know how some people just seem to be perpetually happy? With a fake grin!

That's not what Paul's talking about.

And it's not mindless optimism - everything you could possibly imagine has gone wrong, but it'll be ok - It's not a 'she'll be right' attitude.

And it isn't just an emotional response determined by our circumstances. Either.

Because if joy is determined by your circumstances. It can be hard to rejoice.

And if joy was determined by the circumstances the Philippians were in. It would have been extremely hard for them to rejoice.

See, let me give you some context of the Philippian church if you haven't read the letter before.

The Apostle Paul, who's writing this letter. Is in prison. In Rome. And there's a very good chance he's gonna die in chains.

In chapter 1 you see that people are trying to make trouble for Paul. And the Philippians were warned that people will hate them too.

In chapter 2, the Philippians are told there are problems in their church. And they're warned that they'll be hard times ahead. And people will hate them.

In chapter 3, they're warned that people were going to make them religious, instead of following Jesus. And they're warned that people are going to hate them.

In chapter 4, they're being told there's a massive division in your church. And you guys have problems.

But at the end of it Paul says... be joyful! rejoice!

Some circumstances are not easy to rejoice in.

If your joy is determined by your circumstances. You'll find it hard to rejoice.

But Paul's words here for these Christians in Philippi - and us - is not simply 'rejoice in terrible times.' Or rejoice because of your circumstance.

No, it's rejoice in Jesus.

Don't focus on the circumstances. But the god behind the circumstances.

Paul doesn't just say "rejoice always" - he says "rejoice in the Lord always".

Paul's joy is bigger than his given mood on any given day. And it's bigger than his circumstances.

Paul's joy is in the lord!

You see, Paul's writing to people who know Jesus and know the security they have in him! Security and assurance in God's love for them. Confidence that God is both sovereign in all circumstances and good in all things.

Real joy, real security only comes in knowing Jesus.

Maybe you're here this morning desperately trying to find hope and joy in a whole variety of things in this life. None of them will satisfy. And none of them will last.

Which makes rejoicing pretty tough, right?

Paul's actually talking to people who have a reason for hope!

Paul might be in chains, but his heart's free, and he's forgiven. Because his hope's in Jesus!

And so rejoicing is possible! Even in times of struggle and hardship!

And when we lose sight of this, just remember: God's great demonstration of his love for us at the cross. That God would send Jesus to die in our place that we might receive life.

If you're a a follower of Jesus, you need to understand that this is the foundation for our rejoicing! The fixed reason for our joy.

It's not to do with our circumstances.

A deep and lasting joy. Is found in our security in the Lord! And the salvation he brings!

And though our circumstances may be difficult - and friends there may be many of you here this morning, who are facing immense pain. suffering. Who are deeply discouraged.

Maybe suffering from depression. Have very real concerns about finances. You might be in a difficult relationship - and there's grief.

There may be a whole range of things that you're thinking about right now. That you're not looking forward to next year.

Whatever it is. I want to say to you this morning - it is still possible to say to yourself: 'I am in the Lord; I have forgiveness; I have received and experienced God's mercy, I know his grace'. "I have an inheritance that cannot fade".

Therefore, I can rejoice in Jesus right now! Because I have all these things - it's a certainty.

It's not the circumstances that govern our perspective. It's the knowledge we're in Jesus.

Our outlook changes when we place our immediate circumstances into an eternal perspective.

And though our struggles may change - and at times feel unbearable - we have a secure hope in Jesus.

A reality that can never be taken away form us. and so we can rejoice!


And it's with this perspective that Paul can go on to give his next command.

To take everything to God in prayer!

How did you go with gifts this year for Christmas?

Get what you wanted? Or a little disappointed?

I was pretty happy with what I was given!

But a couple of years ago I remember receiving a gift from one of my house mates that was a bit disappointing. And I desperately wanted to exchange it for something else.

But didn't want to come across too ungrateful.

So - to my shame - when he was out. I hunted through the trash. Found the receipt and exchanged it for something else!

And as bad as that sounds. Apparently, I'm not alone.

According to a recent survey. 54% of all Christmas gifts will be returned or exchanged this year.

Well, Paul's a fan of exchanging things too. But it's not unwanted gifts .

He says you need to exchange anxiety with prayer.

Check it out. Verse 6:

Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

You might be familiar with these verses!

It's one of those verses which seems to be referenced at any and every point of uncertainty or distress. That people just throw out there like the Christian equivalent of a hallmark greeting card.

But that's not Paul's intention.

He's not advocating the power of positive thinking. And he's not denying the very real issues of anxiety and stress in our lives.

Rather he's telling us what we ought to do with these concerns. How we should respond to our anxieties.

Paul says, we should bring all things to God in prayer.

And he's not talking about throwing up a prayer to a god that may or may not exist. But to a God who has revealed himself to us through Jesus.

There's nothing outside His power and interest. There's nothing that's off limits. Nothing God's uninterested in.

One of my great sadnesses and concerns for Christianity today - and I include myself in this. Is that there is a real absence of prayer. A famine of talking to God.

Many Christians I know barely pray.

Some do - I know there are many here in this room who faithfully pray every day. Some for hours. And I'm deeply encouraged by you. And thankful for you!

But many don't.

And we wonder why we're anxious and stressed all the time?

According to a recent survey the majority of Australians said they've experienced stress in the last month.

In a given 12 month period. 15% of people will suffer from severe levels of anxiety.

In a lifetime. Just over half of all Australians will report anxiety related problems. - That's 1 in every 2 people in this room.

Anxiety and stress are real problems. But Paul's saying here you can exchange it with prayer.

Now I'm the first to admit prayer is hard to do. It takes time! Sometimes I struggle to even think of what to pray about.

If you're like me, well maybe its worth writing down your prayers. Journaling them. Writing down a prayer point in your phone every time you think of something.

You might not be able to sit still in a room for longer than 2 minutes at a time.

So run and pray. Or swim and pray. Or go walking and pray.

I had a friend who would go swimming. And every lap he would pray for something different. Whenever I swim - I pray about not drowning! Every lap!

Whatever you need to do - keep praying!

Maybe active prayer is not your thing. Why not meet with a friend to pray. Join the prayer group that meets each week before every service.

The God of the whole universe loves you beyond what you can imagine. And he's proved that in the death and resurrection of Jesus. He wants the best for you.

And he wants to hear from you - why wouldn't you talk to him?!

So this coming year bring your requests and joys and frustrations. Your anxieties. Bring them all before God. With thanksgiving. Because God wants to hear them! He'll listen.

There isn't anything that we can't lift up to God. Nothing's off limits!

And when you do that. There's a promise in verse 7.

Thatthe peace of god that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Peace instead of anxiety.

God promises that he will exchange our anxieties for peace. If we come genuinely before God with everything on our hearts, He will take our anxieties and replace them with a deep and eternal peace that can only come from an eternal and real God.

That's a fantastic promise isn't it? And yet we so often seem to forget it, don't we?!

Don't be anxious for the coming year. Be prayerful in everything. And God will give you his peace!

If your satisfaction. If your joy. Is dependent on your life's circumstances. It'll be fleeting. And anxiety will abound.

But if you view your life through God. Taking everything before him. God says he will give you peace! No matter the circumstances.


Finally, Paul says. Priority number 3. For the year ahead. keep training you minds.

Check it out there from verse 8:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.

You've heard of the phrase - 'you are what you eat'.

If you're trying to be healthy - it starts with your diet. What you eat.

You can't just eat well for 1 day of the week. And then eat Maccas for the other 6 days. And expect to be healthy.

It just doesn't work that way! You are what you eat!

And Paul's saying something similar here - you are what you think!

It's what we feed our minds, that fuels our hearts.

So what are you feeding your minds with?

We are being continually bombarded with so much stuff, aren't we? The media, TV, the Internet, magazines, social media.

Our minds are always being filled with stuff!

But is any of it helping you to trust god in the frustrations and joys of life. To recognise that God's committed to you, and that he's secured for you an eternal inheritance?

Is any of it designed to shape you through those struggles we've already talked about. Not to be anxious but come to God in prayer. To be joyful in the Lord.

Yeah, of course there's wisdom from the world. That'll help through some of the difficult times. Or help us make the most of the coming year.

But a lot of it's just a filler. Taking up space.

And so we need to fill it with something that's worthwhile. That's going to be lasting.

And so Paul says - get active! Train your minds!

Fill your minds with that which is true; fill your minds with what is right; that which is pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. Fill your minds with these things!

Fill your minds with God's word.

And that's what we're doing right this very moment, isn't it? It's what we do every Sunday morning as we meet together and hear from God's word.

But we can do more can't we?

If Sunday is the only day that you're getting your Bible fix, you're missing out.

We're surrounded by a society that tells us that we can do what we like. We're being bombarded by all these different truths; but if we're not focusing on the one ultimate truth - the Bible; God's word - then it's not going to really sink in and take root.

Fill your minds with God's word

Focus your minds on who God is and what he has done for us.

Fill your minds with the things of God!


So as we come to the end of another year. And start making plans and resolutions for 2019.

Why not start the year by making some spiritual resolutions too!

If you're still trying to figure out who this Jesus guy is and what Christianity is all about. Can I encourage you to keep thinking about the claims Jesus makes. And the hope he brings.

And if you're already a follower of Jesus. Be proactive! Go out this week and write up a spiritual fitness regime!

If you need to make changes to your lifestyle, to change your habits, or the way you engage with God, can I encourage you to do that now.

Maybe it's something that has dropped off your agenda, or maybe it's your half-baked attitude to God.

What an ideal time of year to come before God with renewed resolutions.

Let these verses from Philippians sink in. Reflect on what God has done for you.

Rejoice in the eternal security and hope you already have in Jesus.

Be prayerful - Exchange your anxiety with prayer. Remembering to bring all your concerns before the one who is sovereign and who cares.

And train your mind - Immerse yourself in God's word - just like you might have a weekly fitness program - get a weekly bible program! As you regularly seek to hear from God

To renew your minds with the things of God.