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April 28 - John 21:1-19 - "Do You Love Me?"

MPC 28th April 2019.

Dan Wilton

Over the last couple of months we've been looking at some of Jesus' most radical and life-changing pithy one-liners.

A series we've called Nine of the Best Things Jesus Ever Said.

Things that if you haven't heard before, or you haven't considered, then you really should. Because they're life changing.

Things like:

I will give you rest

I didn't come to call the religious

And don't worry

All made the cut.

And this morning we come to #9. Of the best things Jesus ever said. It comes right at the end of the gospel of John - one of the historical accounts of Jesus' life. One of the last things Jesus is recorded as saying. And look it's significant enough. That Jesus doesn't just say it once. He says it three times!

It's a question. You can see it there verses 15. And 16. And 17:

Do you love me?

Now you might be thinking how'd that make the cut? It sounds more like something you might hear from a desperate participant. On the latest episode of Married at First Sight. Or the lyrics from a love song.

How's that one of Jesus' greatest hits? It's not so much the question that makes it the best thing Jesus ever said. But who he asks the question to. And the implications of what that means for each one of us.


It's a question Jesus asks to one to his closest friends.

See, as you get to the very end of John. Jesus and some of his closest friends are sitting down on the beach. Having fish and chips. When Jesus turns to Peter. You can see it there verse 15.

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" "Yes Lord" Peter said. "You know I love you!" Jesus said "feed my lambs."

And then the whole scene is repeated. Verse 16.

Simon son of John, do you love me?

Now, Peter's probably thinking - ok Jesus you've just asked that question. But I'll let it slide. After all it's been a big couple of days. A week ago Jesus was dying on a cross. And then the whole coming back to life thing. Big week!

And so Peter answers again: "Of course I do.""Then take care of my sheep."

But then things get a little uncomfortable for Peter. Because Jesus asks the same question a third time. Verse 17.

Simon, son of John, do you love me?

Jesus is putting Peter under the spotlight. Words are easy Peter. But do you really love me? When things get hard? When you feel like throwing in the towel? Will you continue to follow me? Do you really love me?

You can imagine Peter's probably squirming under the scrutiny by this stage. And for good reason. When you consider Peter's track record.


See, Peter's an interesting guy. He's like the awkward uncle at the family event. He can be the life of the party one moment. But then he comes out with a comment that steps way over the line.

Just read the rest of John and you'll see plenty of times Peter puts his foot in his mouth. He's also that guy who's always over-promising. Making big promises. But failing to come through with the goods. See, just a couple of weeks before this encounter with Jesus. peter had made a big claim.

He's talking to Jesus, in front of all the other disciples. And Peter says - you can see it there in John chapter 13 - He says "I will lay down my life for you, Jesus!"

All these other clowns around me might chicken out. But I've got your back. You can trust me!

Talk about over promising!

I wonder if you've ever made a similar bold claim yourself?

In my first year of university. The college I was living at, were asking for people to sign up for the AFL team. I'd watched a couple of games on TV. So I signed up. But more than that I started boasting about how good a player I was. First year uni - I was desperate to fit in with the boys.

First game came. And I was put in as centre forward. The whistle blew - and it was a complete disaster! I didn't even know how to pass the ball - I had never played in my life.

Let's just say I was quickly demoted to the bench soon after. It was a bad moment! It was humiliating!

Big claim. Even bigger failure! And it's the same with Peter.

Jesus isn't convinced! And so follows up Peter's boast with another uncomfortable question. Verse 38. "Will you really lay down your life for me? Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

Not only are you not the one who will lay down your life, Peter. No only are you not more faithful than all these others. But you'll be the first to abandon me. And you won't just do it once. but three times!

The next day. Jesus is arrested. He's dragged before the courts. He's beaten. And tried.

And as all this is going on. Peter follows the soldiers who arrest Jesus. And as he waits outside on this cool evening. He warms himself at a small fire. That some of the soldiers and servants have built.

Three times he's asked: aren't you one of Jesus' guys? Aren't you one of his followers? And each time he replies: "I'm not. I don't even know him!"

He openly abandons the one he said he'd lay down his life for. The one who was about to die for him! He walks away!

Well, move forward a week. And Peter's got a lot on his conscience.

Sure a lot's happened since that night of his betrayal - Jesus has died. He's been buried. And then three days later he's risen from the dead!

We saw last week that Jesus appears to all his closest followers. proving that he's really alive! But that's of no use for Peter.

He's still the one who abandoned Jesus. Turned his back on this man who he'd walked with, slept beside, ate with, called his master. For three years.

Surely there's no coming back from that. Isn't that how the world works?

The very best Peter can hope for is the cold shoulder from Jesus.

You remember your high school days when there's been an argument with one of your friends. And you walk into the playground and there are your friends. And they wont even meet your eye. That's the very best that Peter can hope for from Jesus. To be excluded. To be outside the inner circle. But it could be a whole lot worse, right?

Here's Jesus who's died. Conquered death. And been risen as King. What if Jesus has a chip on his shoulder? What if Jesus wants to even the score?

There's a best and worse case scenario. And both of them aren't that good! I mean isn't that how the world works? You stuff up. You need to face the consequences.

And so completely lost. deflated. What does Peter do?


He goes fishing!

It's where our reading started - Start of chapter 21.

Even though Jesus is back from the dead. Peter doesn't know what to do. So he goes back to what he knows best. He goes fishing.

But this is not just Peter taking the tinny out for a leisurely fish on a Saturday morning. See, before Peter met Jesus. He was a fisherman. That was his job. And now after abandoning Jesus. Not knowing where he stands. Verse 3. Peter says that's it! "I'm going out to fish!" I'm going back to my old life.

A few of the other guys join him. And they spend the night fishing. Without much success.I mean this is a completely dud fishing trip.

I don't know about you, but I have the worst track record with fishing. My 8 year old nephews will always. Without fail. Catch bigger fish than me. But compared to these guys. I'm a certified Rex Hunt!

For the life of them - they can't catch A single fish. Peter's net is as empty as his heart.

When suddenly a man on the shore yells out: throw your net out the other side.

They've been fishing all night. Part of me wonders what their reaction would have been. This is like the ultimate back-seat driver. This is not just one of your mates in the boat with you. This is a guy on the shore. Saying: 'hey, you're doing it all wrong.'

They must be desperate, because they do throw the net out the other side. And immediately the net is overflowing with fish. And then they recognise the man on the shore - it's Jesus.

They come back to the beach. Start a fire and have fish and chips. Which brings us back to the question Jesus asks Peter.


As Peter is sitting next to the fire. Like the fire where Peter abandoned Jesus. Jesus asks him - Do you love me? Peter. Three times. one for every betrayal. It's like Jesus is hitting undo. Undo. Undo. In Peter's story.

Three times Jesus asks Peter. Do you love me? And Peter says - every time - you know I do!

Now when Jesus asks - Do You Love Me? - he's not asking do you have a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart.

He's talking about a love that leads to action.

A love he's already talked about a couple of chapters earlier. When Jesus says. if you love me you'll obey what I command!

Three times Peter says Yes. I love you. Yes I want to be your follower. Yes, I want to live under your rule. Yes, I'll obey you.

And so Jesus says to Peter - feed my sheep. See to be a follower of Jesus. Is to call others to follow him.

And so when Jesus says - feed my sheep. Again and again and again. What he's saying to Peter is, you've been forgiven. I'm going to overlook everything you've done. You've been completely forgiven.

And then down in verse 19. Jesus invites Peter to once again follow me. He invites him back in. Jesus says: I've called you back into following me. I call you back in to learning from me. I call you back in to be a part of all I've done.

And that's when Peter sees the world differently! With new eyes. A whole new understanding of how the world works!

I wanted to illustrate this well for you. And I thought the best way to do that was by watching a short video. And hopefully you'll see where we're going.

You see what's going on there? They're all people with red/green colour blindness. And they've been given glasses that allows them to see colour.

And you heard the responses? - It's wonderful. It's beautiful! To see the world in full colour!

And when Jesus forgives Peter. When he restores him. Peter sees the world in a whole new way. He sees it in full colour!

Peter discovers because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. The world isn't the way he used to see it. It's completely changed!

In the past he marched to the great anthem of the 90s. By rapper Eminem,

You only get one shot. Do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity only comes once in a lifetime.

You've got one chance. One opportunity. One moment. You get it right. Or for the rest of your life you struggle to crawl out of the mistakes you've made! That's the way he sees the world. And it makes sense.

You turn up for a job interview. You just miss the tone on a few of your answers. You don't get offered the job. That's it - there's no way out. And you have to make up for that for the rest of your life.

You're out driving. Go through a light a little too fast. Someone's injured. There's no winding back the clock on that.

That's just how it works. You've got one opportunity. That's it. That's the world we live in! You've got one chance! And if you miss that chance. There's no forgiveness for that. There's no one bailing you out.

But now Peter sees a different world! A world not in monochrome black and white. But full colour.

A world where even those who betrayed their friend and king can be welcomed home. A world where all our bad decisions get rolled back. Where all our sins and errors and evils can be washed away. Where the power of death and shame has no sway!

Peter sees the world again anew. And he finds forgiveness!

See, when Jesus rises from the dead he tells a new story of the world.

Jesus goes to the cross in our place. He goes to the cross to bear the sins of every human being. To bear our alienation. Because of our rebellion against God.

And to carry the just punishment that all deserve. He takes it to the cross. He loads himself up with it. And he goes on to that cross. Willing to lay down his life for everyone who'll follow him!

And then three days later. Jesus rises from the grave. He has outwitted. Outplayed. Outlasted sin.

It has done its very worst. And its worst was not enough to keep Jesus in the grave. The power of sin has been exhausted. It's done.

And if it has no power over Jesus. it means it has no claim over us! Jesus bears all our shame. All our pain. Our regrets. And buries it. And invites us to share a new story with him. To be part of a world where all our sins can be washed away. Where all our pasts can come undone. Where you and I can find forgiveness and lasting joy! And it all begins with how you respond to those words of Jesus - Do you love me?


Those words were definitely some of the best words Peter ever heard. And they're some of the best words you'll ever hear too! An invitation to follow Jesus.

And so that question is the question Jesus has for you this morning! Jesus is saying to you. You who have rejected me all your life. Do you love me?

Because you can be guaranteed I love you. I've shown you that love by dying on the cross.

You who denied me. You who lived that double life - church on Sunday. But living your own life the other six days of the week. That double life. You're one thing at home. But another around other Christians.

Jesus is saying: do you love me? I died for you! - Do you love me?

Maybe that's the first time you've heard that question. Or maybe today's the first time you said yes.

Jesus offers new life. He offers a whole new way of seeing and living in this world. Jesus was the one who laid down his life for you. And for me. He shows us sacrificial love. And asks do you want to follow me?

And whatever you've done. Whatever you've become. No matted how bad you've botched up your life. Know this. Just like Peter, you can be forgiven. The death of Jesus cleanses you from every regret. Jesus loves you. And he forgives you! Your sins and your failings are not the end of the story. They're the beginning of a wonderful story of grace!

If you're here this morning. And you haven't heard about the love and freedom Jesus offers. Or you'd like to know more about Jesus. Or you're at a point where you do want to respond to that question - I'd love to chat to you later.

Because it really does change the way you'll see everything in the world. In full colour. Because of what God has done in raising Jesus from the dead never to die again!