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August 4 - James 1:19-27 - "Faith is Meant to Work"

MPC 4th August 2019.

Dan Wilton


Who's heard the term 'chardonnay socialist' before? It's a term I read about this week.

I looked up a description, that said:

Chardonnay socialists are characterised by having wonderfully admirable left-wing ideals... which they never act on. It's about feeling good. Not doing good. Causes are often comfortably remote - it's easier to sit around with a glass of 'chardy' talking about how awful the oppression is in Syria than it is to help the underprivileged ten minutes down the road..

They're biting words aren't they?! Not something you want to be known for. But I reckon there's an equivalent for Christians too. It's what I'm calling - Latte Christianity. Someone who looks religious on Sunday. But lives differently the rest of the week. Who love sitting around. Drinking coffee. Discussing love and mercy ministries. But rarely shows love and mercy.

They find it easier to talk about the state of the church. The latest fads and ideas. Than to deal with the sin in their own lives. Than to help those in need in the church. Or to share the good news of Jesus with a neighbour.

All talk. No action. It's about feeling good. Not doing good. All veneer. No substance! A Christianity that's shallow. And looks hypocritical to those looking on.

Sadly, Latte Christianity is becoming more and more common. And it's something that's a complete turn off to people outside the church, too.

A couple of years ago, Mccrindle research asked Australians what turned them off Christianity. Nearly half of people asked, said the biggest turn off is Christian hypocrisy. Saying one thing with their lips. But living completely differently.

And it's exactly this criticism that this letter of James speaks into. A challenge to avoid Latte Christianity.

We've just launched into a new series we've called Faith Works. And we're making our way through this letter written by James. Who's the younger brother of Jesus. And he's writing to Jewish Christians who've been scattered throughout the world. And he writes to them to think about what it looks like to have a practical faith. A faith that works.


This morning, James is going to provide some diagnostic tools for those who are following Jesus. To honestly evaluate where you're Faith's at.

Three diagnostic questions that'll reveal if we've fallen into the trap of becoming a latte-sipping-hypocritical Christian. Or not.

And the first question comes in verse 19. James asks: are you listening well?

i. Are You Listening Well?

If you want to to have a faith that works. That's not shallow. Then you need to listen to what God says. Have a look at what James says. Verse 19.

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this, everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. Because human anger doesn't produce the righteousness that God desires.

They're confronting words, aren't they?

Because I reckon for most of us we're often slow to hear. But quick to speak. Quick to become angry.

Think about Facebook. It's the perfect platform for anyone to rant and rave about anything! To share our two cents without considering other people. We've all seen the war of words online. When neither side are listening to each other. We don't listen!

Or what about those we're closest to? Your husband, or wife. Your parents. Your best friend. Work colleagues.

How often do we find ourselves in arguments with them? Harsh. Angry words. Exchanged. Because we're not quick to listen and slow to speak. And slow to become angry.

If you're anything like me. Then it's something we all struggle with - just ask my wife how quick I am to listen.

James says if you want a faith that works, then it's all about listening well.

And here's why - verse 20.

So we don't speak out of turn. So we don't become angry out of turn. Because the anger doesn't produce the life God wants his people to live. It doesn't produce the character. That honours God.

So let me ask you - do you graciously listen to people? Not just to let words wash over you? Do you hear when people speak to you? Do you try and understand them? Are we slow to speak in order to understand the context in which they're speaking from?

Do I try and empathise with them, instead of jumping to conclusions? Instead of jumping to judgements? Are we slow to speak. Slow to get angry.

James says. We need to listen well.

And not just to other people. But more importantly we need to listen to God. Have a look how he puts it. Verse 21.

Therefore get rid of all moral filth and the evil that's so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you.

See what James is saying. If you struggle to listen to what other people say. That could be symptomatic of a bigger problem. Of not listening to God!

The image James is picking up here is the idea of being clothed by God. Of throwing off the old and putting on the new. Allowing yourself to be shaped. Allowing the word of God to be planted in you. Humbly accepting it!

I had a good mate at uni. Who had terrible fashion sense! You know he'd have stripes going vertical on top. And horizontal stripes on the bottom. Now, I'm not much of a fashionister. But even I know you can't have stripes on stripes. My mate had horrible fashion sense. Until he started dating!

Then everything changed! Because he had someone else dressing him. Giving him fashion advice! And I'm sure there's a few guys who've gone through the same transformation. But there's a sense of humility in that. Acknowledging you have no fashion sense. And accepting the fashion choice of someone else.

And it's the same when it comes to accepting God's wardrobe. There's a humility here.

Put off the old self - the moral filth and evil that was so prevalent in your life. And humbly accept the word God gives you to wear. Listen to what God is saying and humbly accept it. Actually hear it. Don't just let it wash over you. Have some humility. As you come into contact with what God says.

The Creator is speaking! Will you listen?

That's his first diagnostic question... Are you hearing what God says? Are you listening well?

ii. Are You Actively Responding?

And here's his follow up question. Are you actively responding to God's word? Because you can tell you are listening well by what you're doing.

James is an action packed book. It's all about a faith that works. Living out your faith in the world. And James says. If you're not doing what God says. Then you're not listening.

Genuine faith in God will manifest itself out in a genuine life. Genuine change.

Have a look. Verse 22.

Don't merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says!

Don't just let it wash over you. Do what it says! It's not just about hearing God speak. It's about living it out!

Now I've got a 2 year old - Archie. He's a great kid. But he, like most toddlers has a problem with listening. He'll be watching TV and you ask him to do something. 5 minutes later and you ask him to do the exact same thing. 10 minutes later and he still hasn't done it.

It's not he can't hear me. He has no problem with his hearing. It's that he chose not to listen.

And we're the same aren't we? You get these big warning on food. Or drinks. Things we know are unhealthy! "This will kill you!" I'll have one of those - thank you! Who genuinely thinks energy drinks are good for you? They're not - they're going to kill you! [I'm not a doctor. So don't take my advice as medical advice. But I'm pretty sure that's true!]

We see the label. But we chose not to listen. We hear. But we don't actively listen.

And James says. For God's people that's not good enough. You've gotta listen to what God says. And you've gotta see it lived out in your life. Hearing must lead to action. And James has a brilliant little illustration to make his point. Have a look. Verse 23.

Anyone who listens to the word but doesn't do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in the mirror... and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.

I've got a constant problem with shaving cream. Always end up with a bit on my ear. Which is embarrassing. If you leave the house like that. I forget to check in the mirror. How much more ridiculous would it be. If I did check in the mirror. And I saw it there. And then walked away and forgot about it?

That's the issue. What's the point of reading the bible, of hearing God speak week by week... then walking away and forgetting it? Instead of doing it.

Verse 25. The one who looks intently into the mirror - that's God's word- who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom. The one who looks intently into the bible and continues to do this, not forgetting what he's heard but doing it... he will be blessed in all he does.

The blessing that comes from putting your faith into action.

Nicky and I are coming up to our 5th Wedding Anniversary. I know, still in our honeymoon period! I made some vows on that wedding day. Which seems like ages ago now...

But everyday I wake up - on my good days when I'm better then I normally am - I ask myself 'what's it going to look like to live out those vows today'?

See they're not irrelevant. Those vows I made back then shape - or at least should shape - my day. Every day. How can I serve my wife today? In better or worse. Sickness and in health. Richer and poorer. What does it look like?

See this truth back here. Is something I need to be constantly reminded of. Continually remember! And James says it's the same when it comes to our relationship with God.

The person who looks at Jesus. At the Gospel. Continually. Remembering what God has done for us. And keep doing what it says. Continuing to live that out. And not forgetting.

That's the person who'll be blessed in what they do. The blessing that comes from putting your faith into action. But do you see the connection?

There needs to be a humble acceptance of the word. We need to hear what God says. And not just the easy things. And the things we like. But the hard things he says as well. Reflecting on God's word. And living it out. You can't have one without the other! James says, you're only hearing if you're doing.

James is going to go on in the rest of his letter to spell out what that actually looks like. Unpacking what it looks like to respond to God in action. But here's James saying. Prepare yourself for that. Start listening. Be active. Live out the gospel. Which is where he returns in verses 26 and 27.

iii. Are You Deceiving Yourself?

With James' final diagnostic question - are you deceiving yourself? Have a look. Verse 26.

Those who consider themselves religious and yet don't keep a tight reign on their tongues deceiving themselves, and their religion is worthless.

The religion God's after is active. Verse 27.

To look after orphans and widows in their distress. And to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

These are things James will unpack over the next couple of weeks.

But what he's asking here is - are you deceiving yourself. Do you want to hear what God says? Or do we just say we want to hear it. But then do what we want to do?

If you've been part of a church for a while - you'll know religion provides the perfect cover for self-deception. Because its so easy to have all the traits of being pious. And looking religious.

Where you go through the motions of this rituals and that ritual. once a week. And sit there and listen to the guy up the front talking about the bible.

But never allowing God's word to penetrate your heart. And allowing him to change you.

It's possible to look religious Without knowing God at all!

This psuedo religion. Hardens our hearts to God. Makes us unable to listen to God's word. Unable to assess our lives in light of God's word. So we don't honour God in what we do.

It becomes just a moral framework that props us up! So we can feel better about ourselves.


Here at MPC, we don't want to be a church that talks about doing stuff. But never does anything. We don't want to be a church that just says we listen to God. But never let it shape and affect our lives.

Now, I don't think we are. Obviously I'm biased - but I don't think we are.

But there's always blind spots! Aren't there?

I find in my own life. God's continuing to open my eyes to ways in which I'm falling far short of where I need to be. Not keeping a reign on my tongue. Ignoring the most vulnerable in our community - like the homeless and refugees. Not putting off what I was, and putting on the new. Looking in the mirror and purposefully forgetting what God says. Because its just too hard sometimes.

James is calling us out of that, to something better! A people who are listening. And doing. hearing. And then caring. Understanding. And then acting on it. To have a faith that works!

So, what will that look like for you?

How are you going to be responding to God's word in action?

It's a big question isn't it! There's so many things we could be doing. And it can be overwhelming to even know where to start. Sometimes.

I don't think we need to be involved in every issue out there.

We need to have the wisdom to know that we're in differing places. We have different passions. Our hearts will be drawn in different ways. We don't have to be involved in all things. At all times in our lives.

But I think what we need to start doing is asking: what does God's word say?

And where has he put me? And what are my passions? And what does it look like not to just say I hear his word - but to live it out in the place that I'm in right now?

How do I not deceive myself by saying that I follow Jesus. But then my life doesn't reflect that.

It's a question that I want each one of us to keep grappling with through this James series. To keep asking each other in Growth Groups.

How can we be people who listen to god and live that out in action.

To have a faith that works.