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January 12 - John 5:1-47 - "The Search for Life"

MPC 12th January 2020.

Dan Wilton


I was reading an article this week about people sharing their defining moments in life

You know, one of those moments that changes everything. When you do something. Or meet someone. That changes the course of your life.

And there were some pretty incredible moments.

Like a chance encounter with someone on a plane who would seed fund their successful business venture.

Or hearing the words - I'm sorry, it's cancer.

Or crossing the finish line of a marathon, after being told they would never walk again

We all have those defining moments. Some more spectacular then others.

I asked my Nicky what that was for her. And as quick as a flash. She said meeting me! Now I'm not sure if that was a good change or a bad. But it definitely changed her life!

This morning, we meet two groups of people. Who have a defining moment when they encounter Jesus face to face. It's an encounter that'll change their lives forever.

Which is what this mini series over January is all about. Taking a closer look at some of the life-changing encounters people had with Jesus in the gospels.

And this morning their defining moment comes when jesus offers them abundant life.


As we open up to chapter 5, we arrive at a pool on the outskirts of Jerusalem. But this is no 5-star luxury pool, with crystal clear water, sunshine and pinna-coladas. It's a place far less appealing. It's a pool where - verse 3 - a 'great number of disabled people gathered' - the blind, the lame, the paralyzed - The outcasts of society!

And they're all desperately searching for new life. Desperately searching for healing.

Which is why they're at the pool in the first place - see there was a superstition going around that when the water was mysteriously stirred up, the first person into the muddy water would be healed. And so every time the bubbles came up, the race was on. It would've been comical, if it wasn't so tragic. A group of people rejected by society desperately clinging to the hope that this pool would give them a better life. It's a tragic scene.

But I wonder if we're not in some ways the same? How often do we look to certain places; certain things; certain people with a similar hope?

We see our need, and we look to a certain place to fix it; we look to a certain thing to satisfy; we look to certain people for healing - whether that's physical. spiritual. or social healing.

We have this mindset that if we can only reach those things - somehow they'll solve my problems; meet my needs; make everything better.

It can be anything from money - When we get into that mindset that if only I could have enough money, everything would change. Not excessive. But just a bit more then I currently have. Enough money to buy a house; or just enough to go away on a decent holiday, or just afford to do what everyone else seems to enjoy!

Or relationships - if I could only be with that person; marry that person - then I would be complete; then my life would have some meaning; I'd be accepted.

Or even our careers and the promise of happiness and satisfaction if we make it to the top of the corporate ladder - hoping that the job will give us some sort of meaning; give us the freedom, the answers that we think we need.

Now there's nothing wrong with these things - with money, relationships, career - they're all good things. But we need to be asking ourselves - is that where we should be searching for healing; for satisfaction; for a better life. Are these going to answer all our longings?

Or is there another way? Does God have a better way. A more satisfying path?


With that in mind, we zoom in on one man - verse 5. A man who's been an invalid for 38 years - he can't walk; his limbs are useless. His whole life he's known nothing different. Always searching for the next promise of healing but never cured - his whole life he'd only known this kind of existence.

And in the midst of his desperation and his brokenness, Jesus turns up, and offers life. When Jesus sees him lying there in verse 6, he asks the man "Do you want to get well?" "Of course I want to get well!" - the man says. "I just can't get to the water." See he's still holding onto the superstition. Holding onto the belief that the pool is his only hope!

But Jesus says to him, verse 8, "Rise, Pick up your mat and walk." And that's exactly what happens: This man hears Jesus' voice - Jesus' word - and he immediately gets up. And it's remarkable! Can you imagine being there. Seeing that!He's been an invalid for 38 years - that's longer then I've been alive. One encounter with Jesus. And he's life's changed forever! He gets up. Walks away!


It's remarkable! And it doesn't go unnoticed - but for all the wrong reasons! You see there was another group of people on the scene who were also looking for life. But think they've already found it.

Enter the Jewish leaders; the religious gurus of the time - who were dedicated to keeping the religious laws - and making sure every one else kept them too.

They hear about the healing. And they're not happy campers. Have a look at verse 10 - they meet the healed man and say "It's the Sabbath; the law forbids you to carry your mat."

You see in the Old Testament it said there was one day of the week that you weren't supposed to work - on the Sabbath. It was a day set apart for rest. To remember everything God had done for his people - that was the principle.

But the religious leaders had taken that principle and started making up a whole lot of additional regulations to hedge that law in. The idea was that if you created another 30 plus laws no one would be in danger of even coming close to breaking the original law.

It would be as if the police said tomorrow - ok, we know there are 40 km/hr school zones, but just to make sure no one speeds during those hours we're implementing a new law that says no one can drive at all between the hours of 7 and 4 on weekdays. It sounds a little crazy, but that's what it was like.

And one of the regulations was that you couldn't carry anything - because that looked too much like work. That was the rule.

And so here they are - the religious leaders see this man carrying a mat and think he must be working!

It's ridiculous right?! The guy's never been able to walk. In fact he's never been able to work in his life - and he gets his first day on his new legs - he starts walking 300 metres down the road. And already he gets red-carded by the religious fun police.

It's ridiculous! - Can't they see what's happened? A dude has been healed from a lifelong illness, and all they can think of is the rulebook.

They're so caught up in their own man-focused religion that they miss what's going on right in front of their faces. All they want to do is write this guy a ticket. They're so caught up in regulations and laws. Thinking that by following them they will make people acceptable before God - they've missed the life and hope Jesus is offering.

Well, the man's interrogated. And ends up shifting the blame on Jesus. And says "he's the one who told me to pick up my mat." He throws Jesus under the bus - and the religious leaders start going after Jesus. Verse 16 they want to arrest him for breaking the law.


At which point Jesus turns around and says: "Do you even know who I am?" - or more accurately - "do you even know who my dad is?" This is what he says in verse 17:

my father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.

Now it might seem a strange response, but the Jews, they know exactly what he's saying - Jesus is making a claim to be God. See, God doesn't ever have a day off to binge on Netflix - he's always working - sustaining the world, keeping it going. God's at work, and Jesus says, so am I. Like father, like son. Jesus imitating his Father - following in his footsteps - sharing in the family business. The family business of giving life!

Have a look at verse 21:

For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it.

And again in verses 24 and 25 - "whoever hears my voice; whoever believes who I am - will live."

Jesus is saying - if you accept me - then you move from death - that is separation from God, condemnation from God... and you move to life - relationship with God. Loved by God. Raised from death to life!

It's something we've already seen! When Jesus says to the crippled man 'get up', he literally says 'rise'. Have life! He's not just offering physical healing. He's offering something far more substantial. Something much more lasting.

Jesus is the only voice that offers lasting hope. The only source of lasting life. Here and now. And beyond the grave!


But with that offer of life. There's a flip side. The other side of the coin. Jesus is not only the life giver. He's also the judge.

You can see it in verse 22 "The Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the son." AKA that's me guys - I'm the son.

It's like any good CEO who delegates responsibility to another employee. And it's the same with God who delegates the responsibility of judgement to his Son.

Jesus is the one who either gives life or condemns. Jesus says I'm the only one with the authority to judge anyone because I'm the only one from God. You know, I reckon we generally like the idea of judges.

We want judges to punish the pyromaniacs who started those devastating fires in nsw last week. We want judges that will punish those who senselessly murder; those who commit terrorist attacks. We want judgements that will set things right.

But here's a judge, a lot closer to home. Jesus says I'm the judge of all. Which includes you and me! Each one of us. A judge who judges based on how we've responded to Jesus.


Now they're massive claims! And claims that we all need to weigh up!

You might be here this morning - unsure about Jesus. Might be skeptical towards Jesus - still trying to figure out if you can get on board.

Can I encourage you to consider the claims of Jesus carefully. Because he doesn't want you to blindly believe. In fact he gives some evidence to back his claims. You can see if there in the final verses of the chapter.

It's almost as if the religious leaders are sitting on a jury in a courtroom and Jesus pulls a Mike Ross from Suits - if you've seen the TV show - and says, I've got the overwhelming evidence to prove who I am.

He says - verse 36 - have a look at the works I've been doing - miraculous works. Works only possible by God! Surely only someone from God can bring healing and life!

The evidence is being paraded in front of them, one after another - but these religious guys refuse to accept it.

Finally the last witness comes out - it's the 'mic-drop' in Jesus' case. A witness that the religious leaders can't ignore. - The scriptures themselves. Which is just the Old Testament part of our Bible.

Jesus says in verse 39 - you spend your whole life studying the scriptures, but you've missed the flashing neon sign that runs all through its pages - the scriptures are all about me!

They've got the right material. But the problem is, they're just not reading it properly.

The bible is all about Jesus. It's right there in front of them. But they just won't see it.

It's a bit like the domestic blindness I tend to suffer from. I'll go to the kitchen drawer and ask Nicky - "Where are the scissors?" "They're in the drawer," she responds. "They're not here." I say.

She says again, "They're in the drawer!" And I say very confidently, "No they're not. You must have put them somewhere!" And Nicky then comes out and graciously points out the scissors that are staring me in the face.

And these Jewish leaders - whose full time job was to study the Scriptures - have a case of domestic blindness too. It's staring them in the face, but they can't see it - life is only found in Jesus!

And so the evidence that should have been so convincing - should have been as clear as daylight is ignored. Instead, these religious leaders write him off. And plot to kill him. And you know - It can also be easy for us to write Jesus off too.

All you have to do is make the decision to say - "I don't really care". Or simply relegate him to good and wise teacher. But Jesus is offering something that can't easily be ignored - he's offering life!

We're all searching for something that will satisfy. Searching for something that will make us feel alive!

Where do you look to for that type of comfort; for healing; for life? To money; your career; relationships, sex? Jesus is claiming life in abundance! Without limits - even beyond death!

Everything else will only disappoint - sure sex and relationships might bring some satisfaction. Being flush with cash will bring some joy now - it won't last.

Jesus is saying I am the only one who can bring you from death to life. I am the only one who can truly satisfy.

If you're here this morning and you're still weighing this Christian thing up, can I encourage you to have your own encounter with him. Keep thinking and exploring the claims of Jesus. Because if they are true - He's offering you something that you can't get anywhere else - life eternal.

And for those who have found life in Jesus... who've found their defining moment in meeting Jesus. I want to challenge you this morning to think about how you can be introducing Jesus to others.

For all the star witnesses Jesus called to the stand - the problem is so many people today aren't going to see them, are they? They're not going to read about Jesus healing an invalid on their Facebook feeds. They're unlikely to even pick up a bible and read it for themselves.

Which is why today God has a another witness. Another witness to reveal who Jesus is - and that's you! It's your story. It's God's work in your life.

Jesus might be using you right now to be the star witness in someone's life. To help them encounter who Jesus for themselves. And come to find life in him.

Jesus has chosen you to share this life with your family, your friends, your colleagues, with those around you.

So can I encourage you to have boldness and be ready to do just that this week - be intentional and plan to talk to at least one person this week about how knowing Jesus has changed your life. So others might find life - abundant life - in Jesus too.