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July 12 - Ephesians 3:10-12; 4:1-16 - "Gathering to Grow"

MPC 12th July 2020.

Dan Wilton

I don't know about you, but I'm so looking forward to finally meeting together in person on the 26th! As good as it's been meeting on zoom like this each week. I can't shake this feeling that things aren't really what they should be. Because there's something profoundly better about meeting together face to face. That's missing when we're separated by pixels online.

If you're just joining us for the first time this week. We've started a new mini-series in the lead up to meeting back together on site. We've called "Better Together". Thinking more deeply about why we gather.

What's so significant about meeting together. As God's people.

And this morning as we turn to Ephesians 4, we're going to see that gathering. The practice of meeting together. Says something profound about who we are as followers of Jesus.


The first thing our gatherings demonstrate. Is our unity in Jesus. Have a look how Paul puts it. Verse 3. Now that you've been called to be part of God's church. Verse 3. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

No matter how different your background is. Where you've come from. Your nationality. Social standing. Upbringing. God's same spirit is working in you. And working in me.

Do you notice that? There's a family likeness that you'll see in followers of Jesus everywhere. Because the same spirit is at work transforming our differences in the same one direction. Paul summarises this unity in verse 4. Have a look. An check out all the times the word "one' comes up... Verse 4:

There's one body and one Spirit. Just as you were called to one hope when you were called. one Lord. one faith. one baptism. one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

No matter who you are in the church. No matter your background. All of us. Are united under those seven ones. Together we share in all the same things.

The same eternal significant things - the one God. The one hope. The one faith. The one Lord. And so we're one body. United in Jesus. We've been given the unity of the spirit. Isn't that mind-blowing?!

Out of all the people, throughout history. God would include us, together in Jesus. It's an incredible calling. That's the church - united in Jesus.

And so Paul says. Make every effort to keep this unity. Verse 2. Do whatever it takes to make sure that together we remain in Jesus.

Like being completely humble and gentle. Not humble sometimes and gentle every now and then dDepending on the circumstances, but completely. Especially under duress. Especially. When it's hard. And you obviously know best.

Be patient, says Paul. Bearing with one another in love. This is worthy living. This is what it looks like to keep this unity. Bearing with each other - even when you don't feel like it. Not the times when it's easy. The times when it's tough.

Because Paul says - there's nothing more important than keeping that unity. Keeping each other united in Jesus. Are you protective of the unity of our church family? Watching for the sort of words or actions that cause division. It's obvious enough when you spot it, isn't it?

A word here. A snide comment there. The sort of remark where someone draws you aside and you know they're just fishing for opportunities to fan up discontent.

Or maybe you've found it easier since we've been online. Hasn't been the opportunity to say the harsh word. Tear other down. Maybe absence has made the heart grow fonder?

Well, in my experience, absence make the heart grow more suspicious. Less motivation to be united. More selfish. It's something we all need to keep working at. Promoting our unity. In Jesus.

But look, it's even more than that. Because as a body, as a church, we're meant to be exercising. And growing. In the ways we serve one another.


Which is where Paul goes next... in verse 7. Because the way we remain united. Is in the way way we serve others.

And the good news is that Jesus hasn't left us alone in this. He's given gifts to his church. In order for them to do keep growing. To each one of us - verse 7 - grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. To each of us... a different gift, a different part to play.

And so Paul goes on to describe how Jesus goes on a gift giving spree. Giving gifts to every member of his church. Verse 8. All different gifts. But all for exactly the same purpose.

It was he, verse 11, who gave some to be apostles. Some to be prophets. Some to be evangelists. Some to be pastor-teachers. To prepare and train and encourage and teach everyone else for acts of service. To serve each other. All with this purpose... mid way through verse 12:

So that the body of Christ may be built up. Until we all reach unity in the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

See the logic. Prophets. Apostles. Who gave us the Scriptures. Evangelists and pastors and teachers now. All working in the same direction. To prepare all of us for works of service. To see everyone playing their part, using their gifts. Growing in unity. Building up the body. Which grows stronger and stronger in love as each part does its work. So that we'll all do our part in building up the church.

If you're a follower of Jesus. We've all got a role to play. Tapping out isn't an option. Because here's the thing - Church isn't a spectator sport.

Paul says, if that's what you think church is, you'll never experience real church at all. Because real church is being part of a living, growing, loving body. Growing. As each part does its work.

It's not just a performance that we sign into for an hour on a Sunday morning. Get our fix and leave. Which I reckon is even easier to do when its online. Don't even have to put the effort in of driving anywhere. Church can easily become just another convenience.

It's church where I can get my needs met. Where I can get an episode-length dose of encouragement. With my feet up and a coffee. And I don't even have to leave the couch.

But Paul says that's not what church is at all! Church is being part of a living and growing and loving body. Where we all use the gifts we've been given to build each other up. But what does that mean?

Giving each other pats on the back? And making sure we all feel good? Singing our team song? Is that what it means to build each other up?

Well, we just need to keep reading because Paul spells it out for us in the very next verse. We're to be built up in our knowledge of Jesus. Have a look. Verse 13. Paul says, we're all to be prepared for works of service. To be built up. Verse 13:

Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the son of God and become mature. Attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

You see building each other up is being unified in our knowledge of Jesus. It's Jesus who's united us to God. And to one another. It's Jesus we need to for salvation. And so it's Jesus we need to build one another up in. In our knowledge of him. Maturing in him.

It's growing together in our appreciation of him. Our devotion to him.

See, a healthy church is not one where we all just get along. We can go to a Rotary Club for that.

A healthy church is one that uses all our gifts to serve each other. And encourages each other in our knowledge of Jesus. And what he's done for us.

That's exactly what our MPC mission statement's all about! Doing whatever we can to keep growing followers of Jesus. It's something we're all a part of!

And no matter what comes next. Whether we're separated by pixels. online. Or meeting in person. That's still our commitment.

God has gifted his church with a great diversity of gifts so that each and every one of us should be thinking: how can I serve the church, so that I can be a part of making sure that not only I, but every one of us are growing as followers of Jesus?

United. Together. In our resolve to keep growing. To keep maturing. In Jesus. That's the sort of question we need to keep asking ourselves. When you're signing into Zoom on a Sunday morning. How can I be growing followers of Jesus?

When we have the opportunity to meet together face to face in a couple of weeks time. And are thinking about whether we can be bothered the extra effort to drive to church... how can I be growing followers of Jesus? How can I serve? What can I be doing so that the body can be built up?

So that we can all be unified. So that we can all become mature in our faith. So that we can all grow as whole-hearted followers of Jesus.

That's the type of question we should be asking ourselves.

Because being part of the church is being part of a living, growing, loving body. Growing. As each part does its work. Anyone who's every played in an orchestra can tell you, it's way more satisfying playing in the orchestra than just listening to it.

With church. We've all got a part to play. Maybe your part is to say just the right unifying, encouraging word at just the right time. Like playing the triangle. Maybe it's to pray. Maybe it's a role in kids ministry.

Because we're all meant to have the same goal. Of encouraging one another to grow to maturity. More and more like Jesus.


I want to ask you this morning. Have you slipped into becoming a consumer at church? Do you sign in for church - just for yourself? Are you here because you want to be served. But don't want to serve in return?

We're called to grow up together. To grow in maturity as a church. Together. Making a commitment to be here week by week. Is a huge encouragement. Just being bothered to gather - it's a great start! But we've been given gifts to serve others. Serve each other.

It's been so encouraging to see how so many people have stepped up over the last couple of months when we've moved online. To use their gifts to serve each one of us.

For everyone who's been working behind the scenes. Using their tech. skills to serve us. Week in week out.

Those who've taken the time to contact people in the church. Just to see how people are going. Or the music teams bringing us music from their lounge rooms. These are all gifts that have been used to loving serve all of us. That grows this body - called the church.

But how can you be serving? As we start moving towards meeting face to face there's going to be a whole lot of new ways to serve! And we'll need your gifts more than ever!

People to serve in cleaning between services.

Registering people as they arrive.

And being ready to say "Hi" to the visitor who rocks up on a Sunday.

It'll look like using your musical gifts on a music team.

Helping out on the tech. team.

Teaching the kids. Or youth.

And if you're unable to meet in person. Don't worry there's plenty of ways you can serve too...

Be creative in thinking of how you can serve at a distance. Continue to pray. Write an encouraging letter or text to someone. There's a whole lot of things you can be involved in.

And it's not only restricted to a Sunday. Or a roster. Some of the best ministry we can be doing grows out of this desire to see others grow in their maturity. To encourage and grow each other up.

It's when people catch up for a coffee during the week. To see how someone else is going. And to encouragingly speak the truth in love to them. It's when people see the needs of others. And go out of their way to meet those needs. And more. It's when people show hospitality to each other. Following up the person who might be lonely. Loving them. Inviting them over for a meal.

Now I have to admit that being at a church like MPC. Full of talented people. Maybe some of us feel like we have very little to offer. It's easy in a church this size. To think that church doesn't really need us. Because there's already enough talented people to hold the fort. I've got nothing to offer.

But it's obvious from this passage - that can't be true. You might feel that way! But it isn't true.

The risen Jesus has deliberately, and intentionally, shaped our church. Shaped you to be a gift. To the church. Given each one of us gifts we can use to serve others. God's brought you to this church to be an encouragement. He's brought you to MPC to serve.

So I wonder - how are you using the gifts - this diverse and beautiful array of gifts God has given us. The church.

To serve one another.
To build each other up.
To speak the truth in love.
As we continue meeting together!