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November 15 - Mark 4:1-34 - "Kingdom Growth"

MPC 15th November 2020.

Dan Wilton

Over the last couple of months I've been bombarded with ads online. And spammed with emails.

Inviting me to be part of the next big financial investment. Apparently the next Bitcoin revolution.

I love the ads - because they've always got a different celebrity's photo pasted on the side. In an attempt to legitimise it.

I think I've received emails from Chris Hemsworth, Hugh Jackman, and our very own Prime Minister - Scott Morrison. Inviting me to join the club.

Has anyone else been inundated with the same offers?

Looks impressive - a fool-proof get rich quick scheme. And it's tempting to believe. But I reckon if there really was an easy way of getting rich. I'd hear more about it. If what these ads were claiming really was true. Then wouldn't I have heard more about it? Wouldn't there be more people talking about it? So I've abandoned all hope of finding my fortunes online...

I wonder if we can feel the same when it comes to Christianity. If it really were true - why aren't more people on board with it? I mean think of what Christianity's claiming...

There's one true God of the entire universe. And he's come into the world as a human - Jesus. Who makes the claim that you can be restored to the God who made you. And that Jesus has risen from the grave. And says there's life after death!

If those things are true. Surely that would be making more waves in our world. Surely it would be trending on social media. More people getting into it. If those things were true... Shouldn't Christianity be bigger?

And more personally for those who are followers of Jesus. If those things are true - shouldn't we be more confident? And more sure?

Over the last couple of weeks - we've been making our way through Mark - a biography of Jesus' life. Taking a closer look at who Jesus really is.

And today we're in a part of the bible - Mark chapter 4. Where Jesus' closest followers - the 12 disciples. Are asking the same question... If the claims of Jesus were true wouldn't more people be following him?

So far in Jesus' ministry - it's started off with Jesus claiming he's the Christ - The long awaited king.

Chapter 1, verse 15, Jesus arrives on the scene. Like he owns the place. And says he says the Kingdom of God is here! The King's arrived.

Chapter 2 - Jesus starts doing some amazing things. He's got authority to heal people. Authority over demons. Power to even forgive people of their deepest regrets/sins... and to top it off - he claims to be God.

Jesus is trending. People are flocking to him. Jesus is a big deal. Things are looking great. But as his popularity increases. So too does the opposition. By the time you get to chapter 3 - only a couple of months after Jesus starts his ministry - The cracks start appearing. He's getting death threats. And soon the crowds start thinning.

We saw it last week - his own family want to shut him up. Because they think he's insane.

And the Religious leaders. The political elite. Want to kill him.

It must have been so confusing for Jesus' first disciples. Is this really what the kingdom of God looks like? The rich and powerful opposing him.

Is this really what it looks like when God breaks into this world. And start something new? If it were all really true. And Jesus is who he says he is - wouldn't more people be following him? Have they backed the wrong horse?

With those questions in the back of their minds. Jesus does a strange thing.

He tells a parable in which he essentially says - 3 out of 4 people will not follow me in this life. I'm no mathematician - but I know that's terrible odds! Jesus says. - you think things are looking bleak at the moment - you've seen nothing yet!

You see this crowd here - 3/4 of them won't stick it out. There's going to be a whole lot more empty seats before too long. And Jesus uses a word picture - a parable. To explain what he means. About a farmer who scatters seed. Where the seed represents his word. And the soil are people's responses to his word. To the kingdom.

And the first people he describes are the people who don't follow Jesus - simply because they refuse to listen. Have a look - verse 3.

Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed some seed fell upon the path. And the birds came and ate it up.

Thankfully Jesus explains it a bit more clearly. And he says this is the person who hears Jesus speak. But before they can even think about it - it's gone. Have a look down - verse 15:

Some people are like the seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them.

They just don't want to hear what Jesus has to say. It's not relevant. It's not worth thinking about. For whatever reason some people don't want to know anything about it.

They don't interrogate.

Don't question.

They just don't hear.

And they don't get it. They're not interested. And so they reject Jesus.

The second group at least begin to hear what Jesus is saying. But then it gets too hard. They accept it. But when it gets tough. They're out of there! It's like the well-intended new year's resolution.

Join the gym.

Start a new dieting fad.

Be more generous

Whatever it is.

Day 1 is good. motivated. full of good intentions.

Day 2 - you let something slip.

Day 3 things start getting ugly. And you run from it.

That's how it works.

Jesus says there'll be people who initially get it - they see what he's offering. And want to some of that. Want to be part of the community. Want the benefits of the Kingdom. But don't want God

Have a look verse 5:

Some fell on the rocky places, where it didn't have mush soil. It sprung up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched. And they withered because they had no root.

He explains it. Down in verse 16:

Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and are at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word. They quickly fall away.

There are some who get onboard with this whole Jesus thing. They take on roles. And join committees. And go to conferences. And they might initially look the part. They'll never really go all in.

And so when things get rough. When things get pressured. When others look at them as Christians and despise them. They slip away from the opposition. Without deep roots in the Kingdom. They wither.

Jesus says three out of four people won't follow me in this life. Those who won't listen. Those who start but quickly leave when it gets tough.

And the third one he describes is the person who starts with Jesus. But they end up being distracted by the things in this life. Everyday worries. Everyday concerns. Choked out by weeds. Have a look how Jesus puts it. Verse 7:

Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so they did not bear grain.

He explains it for us from verse 18:

Still others, like seeds sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth, and the desire for other things comes in and choke the word. Making it unfruitful.

This is the kind of person - Jesus says - who starts following him. But then gets distracted.

And it's not that they have a crisis about who Jesus is. Or start thinking this can't be true. It's just that other things consume their time.

As their peers start finding careers. And get married. Start being concerned about mortgage repayments. Or what new activity the kids need to be enrolled in. They start to think - maybe Jesus isn't the only source of happiness. And prosperity. And security in the world. And Jesus gets crowded out.

The thing about weeds is... they're just so sneaky! At first it a beautiful garden bed. Then there's just 2 or 3 - not many. A week later it 6 or 7. But then it rains - and you're drowning in them. Weeds are so deceitful and tricky.

No one sets out in life thinking - I'm going to be distracted by my possessions. My money. What I'm going to do is take on a massive mortgage - that'll absolutely kill me. I'm going to be so obsessed with. My career that I don't have time for anyone else.

Nobody does that... intentionally. It happens step by step. Take on a financial commitment that's a bit too big. Or take on a project that requires me to stay an hour back after work. That then turns in to an extra 5 hours. And then 10. 15. 20 hours more a week. And they grow and grow.

People will walk away from Jesus - not because they become atheists. Or they have an existential crisis. Or any of that stuff. He just gets crowded out.

Jesus says, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desire for other things... they come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.

The disciples start questioning why more people aren't following Jesus. And Jesus says - you know what... So many people won't follow me! Most in fact!

Christianity will always be in the minority. It will normally be the smallest seed. The smallest plant in the garden. Which sounds so strange to us right?

I reckon for a lot of us we can have this thought that... if just the government becomes Christian. Or more famous celebrities become Christians. Then Christianity will gain momentum and everyone will jump on board the Jesus train. But that's not the picture Jesus paints at all!

In fact if you look at the sweep of history - whenever Christianity starts to become the majority. We lose it. And get power hungry. And make a whole lot of mistakes and lose sight of the main game. Restoring people to God - through the death of Jesus.

Maybe God leaves Christianity in the minority in this age. So we might rely on him. And not our own greatness. Or the next structural change.

Three out of four people, in this age won't follow Jesus. But Jesus doesn't stop there - much to the relief of his disciples.

Because there is a fourth soil Jesus describes. And this is the person who hears the message of Jesus. Trusts Jesus. And accepts it. Who lives in the minority. But produces fruit that lasts. Have a look with me verse 8.

Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.

He explains it down in verse 20:

Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop-some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.

Do you hear what Jesus is saying? Though most people will reject Jesus. Pass on his Kingdom. The seed Jesus scatters. The message of his kingdom. The good news of what he promises to bring. Is so full of life. It only takes a few to receive it to produce an enormous harvest! To produce all that God desires.

Jesus says to his followers... Don't worry if the kingdom looks unimpressive. Because there's a day coming, when this small seed won't be so small. But will become massive. An unstoppable force.

It's what those next couple of parables are all about. Check out how Jesus puts it - verse 30:

Again Jesus said, "What shall we say the Kingdom of God is like, or what parable should we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed - that's the smallest of all seeds. Yet when planted it becomes the largest of all the garden plants, with such big branches that birds can perch in its shade.

That smallest seed - so small you can spread it on your sandwich - if you're a fan of wholegrain mustard... when planted - can turn into the most impressive tree in the garden. That a seed goes into the ground. And it stays there. And for weeks it can look like nothing's happening. But you take a time-lapse photo and three months latter... boom. A shoot emerges. A tree.

The other day - in the process of packing we found a whole box of those seedlings that Woolies was giving... Archie - our 3 year old - was desperate to plant them. We watered them and waited.

Day 1 nothing happened. Day 2 nothing. Day 3 - it's all but forgotten. And then day 4 a storm came through. Tipped the pots over. Soil everywhere.

A week later, I finally got around to throwing the failed project in the bin. Only to find a whole bunch of seedlings had popped up! It was a proud moment for Archie! He did nothing - just planted the seed. And let it do the rest...

Jesus says that the what the kingdom's like. A seed that's planted. And sometimes it can look like nothing's happening. And it's all but forgotten.When suddenly a plant starts growing. His kingdom will continue to grow! No matter the odds. No matter how hopeless things look. It'll keep growing!

And here's the thing... Only 2 years later. The disciples look back on this parable and it takes on an entirely new meaning!

Because in a few years - they're going to see Jesus die on a cross! In weakness. He dies. And he's buried in the ground. So unimpressive. And small. And yet three days later. Shoots up. Out of the ground. Starts out small. And the kingdom grows!

You see in these parables - the language of the seed sprouting out of the ground. Is exactly the same language Mark uses to describe the resurrection of Jesus. That a whole new age. A whole new way of living has begun.

Jesus turns the world upside down in his resurrection. Jesus says - three out of four in this age won't follow me. But in the new age... This will be the biggest tree in the garden. And fill the whole world. A tiny mustard seed that brings life. That's the power of God's word! That's the power of the Kingdom. That's a massive comfort isn't it?!

Because I reckon it's so reasonable to look at the church. Look at God's Kingdom. And feel underwhelmed at times. Feel like it should be more impressive.

There are some here who've felt acutely what it means to live for Jesus in the minority. Who've trusted Jesus. While seeing other Christian friends. Family. Give up on Jesus. Who've experienced the mockery of the online atheists. Or work colleagues who've shut us down.

You've felt these parables. Not in an abstract way. But in the every day experiences of life. As the majority of people around you choose not to follow Jesus. And some of you are burnt. By the heat of the battle. But the good news of these parables. Of the resurrection. Is that our shade is coming. There will be a time. When the Kingdom will be revealed in all its glory. And we'll rest in the largest tree in the garden!

See, the kingdom of God - according to Jesus - isn't about how many people follow it. But who's producing fruit at the end. On that last day at harvest.

Which means we need to take seriously where we stand before Jesus. How are we going to respond to him?

So can I ask you this morning... Which soil are you? How are you going bearing fruit that will last?

Because the truth is there are some of us here today who are in danger of being one of those 3 soils. Who fail to produce much fruit at all.

And it won't mainly be because you don't understand. Only one of the examples Jesus gives is about understanding. This isn't primarily an intellectual issue. This is about the heart! Jesus says in chapter 4, verse 24:

Consider carefully what you hear... with the measure you use, it will be measured to you - and even more. Whoever has will be given more. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.

Jesus says - if you hold yourself back, you'll lose everything. If you try and hedge your bets. If you divide your heart. If you give yourself partly to me. Partly to something else. A faith that is split and divided. And half hearted. Is a faith that will wither and die. Give yourself fully to me. And I'll give you everything and more! If you divide your affections - you're going to lose your love for Jesus.

And so can I finish this morning by giving some thoughts on how to we can keep living for Jesus?

1. Be actively part of the church - MPC. Every week!

And I don't mean just rock up to the service on a Sunday morning. But live out the family Jesus is building here at MPC.

Actively be reading the bible with each other. Pray with each other. And make sure when you're part of the community - you're transparently part of community.

Share your struggles and your sins. Because if you keep them to yourselves they're only going to Harden your heart.

When we wander away from trust in Jesus - it's almost always because we've wandered away from living with Jesus.

2. And sit at his feet.

It's normal for us to diligently be studying for exams. Reading up for the next project. Spending hours on your phone - catching up on news and social media. But not reading the bible. You're not going to bear a harvest! You'll shrivel and die. Either because the good things in this life will distract you. Or the hard things chase you away.

Listen to Jesus. Keep trusting him. And fill your heart with him. As you look forward to the day when we will rest in branches of his peace.