September 4 - Revelation 15, 16 - "Doomsday: The Coming Judgement"

MPC 4th September 2022.

Doug Wannenburgh


What have the following got in common? Independence Day. The Day After Tomorrow. Deep Impact. Outbreak. Armageddon.

Yes, they're movies. And they're all doomsday movies. You know the kind. Humanity faces a massive threat. A disaster that'd end the world. Then a hero steps up. And saves the day.

Revelation reads like a doomsday movie. With a couple of differences.

It's not make-believe. Revelation is full of symbolic ... pictures and colours and numbers, but it's real history.

The other difference is the threat. In the movies it's aliens or a meteorite or a climate catastrophe. In Revelation the threat to the world is posed by god himself. The threat is God's judgement.

Ironically, the hero, the only hope is again god Himself. The threat. God's judgement. The hope. God's salvation.

The coming judgement serves as a flashing red light on the dashboard. It's an early warning system. It alerts us to the problem, that is evil. And urges us to heed the warning by trusting Jesus who stepped into the world to rescue.

Now for a moment put yourself in the shoes of first century Christians. Who've heeded the warning. They're marked out as followers. They belong to Jesus. And as a result they've been driven out of business. Driven out of the city. Scattered as refugees. They know injustice 'cos they're loving Jesus in a world that hates Him.

As ambassadors for Jesus we'll feel the scorn and hatred of the world. The injustice. The ridicule and rejection.

And, like the Christians John's writing to, don't you long for justice? Christians don't fear the coming judgement. We long for it. We pray for it as the saints do in chapter 6. That God would put the world right. And welcome us home.

This letter is written, not to confuse but to make truth clear, and so to encourage Christians to persevere. To keep living for Jesus in a world hostile to Him.

The way these chapters encourage us is by assuring us that god is just. And judgement is coming.


Chapter 15 verse 1. John sees "another great and marvellous sign." Another vision.

Apocalyptic literature, that's Revelation, is full of visions. In order to understand them we need to stand back. Get the big picture.

If Revelation was a painting, it wouldn't be photorealism with fine details you can put under a microscope. It'd be abstract. Something you need to stand back from in order to take it all in and get the message.

And the visions are rich in imagery, colours and numbers that are all symbolic. And need to be interpreted. Which isn't guesswork 'cos the book of Revelation itself, and the rest of the Bible, gives us clear clues as to how to interpret.

So here's a vision of seven angels with seven bowls containing seven plagues.

In chapter 6 seven seals are opened. In chapters 8/9 ... seven trumpets are blown. Now in chapters 15/16 ... angels pour out seven bowls. Seals, trumpets, bowls.

These all have to do with god's judgement. The seals warn of God's plan to judge. The trumpets announce the judgement. And the bowls deliver it.

With the seals and trumpets judgement was partial, incomplete. But, verse 1. "[with the bowls, with] the seven last plagues, [they're] last because with them God's wrath is completed."

It's full and final. And it's destructive. Creation is un-done. The heavens and earth destroyed. Which clears the way for the new creation.

Judgement, wrath, destruction all wrapped up in the bowls with seven plagues.

When you hear 'plagues', what do you think of?

The Old Testament story of God's judgement against the Egyptians.

This new Testament letter needs to be read against the backdrop of the old Testament. The key to understanding Revelation is not the newspaper. This isn't a coded book that needs modern events to be deciphered. The key to understanding Revelation is the old testament.

So, a backdrop to this great vision here is the Old Testament story of God's judgement against the Egyptians.


So, before we look at Revelation 15-16 let's back up to the book of exodus, second book of the Bible. And refresh an old history lesson. The story of Israel in Egypt and the Exodus.

Israel were slaves in Egypt. Collecting mud and straw and baking bricks so that the superpower of the day could build pyramids. It's hard labour. And prison labour.

Israel's crushed. They cry out to the Lord. 'Save us! Deliver us!'

God hears. And sends Moses. Who fronts up to Pharaoh, saying. 'God demands. Let my people go.'

Pharaoh laughs. He refuses to repent. And persecutes the Israelites even more. Forcing them to make more bricks with less straw.

So then God punishes Pharaoh and Egypt with plagues. Judgements/punishments to force them to let His people go. Plagues. Lots of them. Rivers turn to blood, frogs, boils, hailstorms, darkness.

Pharaoh laughs it off. Repeatedly. Refuses to repent.

Finally. Last plague. God threatens to kill the firstborn of every family. The Israelites get a special mark - the blood of a lamb, sprinkled on their doors. And God passes over. But everyone else - everyone without God's mark, everyone without the blood of the lamb - come under God's judgement. And their eldest sons are struck down.

At last Pharaoh gets the message, and lets them go.

Backpacks on. Israel set off into the desert. And promptly arrive at the Red Sea. That's wide and deep. No way through.

What's worse is, in the meantime, Pharaoh has a change of mind. And sends his army to get his slaves back.

The Israelites are terrified. They're sitting ducks. They're doomed.

At which point Moses pipes up. 'Don't be scared. God will save you.' And He does. He divides the waters of the Red Sea and Israel walk through on dry land.

Then He makes the waters come crashing down. And the mighty army of Egypt is swept away.

Israel, saved. Israel's enemies, judged and destroyed.

Which is cause to celebrate. Moses bursts into song. And leads Israel in praising God. "I will sing to the Lord [Exodus 15 verse 1] ... He is highly exalted. Both horse and rider He has hurled into the sea. The Lord is my strength ... my defense ... my salvation."

Moses sings on. Praises God for His justice. His holiness.

So here's Moses. And the Israelites. Standing by the Red Sea. Singing a victory song. About God their Saviour.


That happens at the beginning of Israel's history. And it's the backstory to Revelation 15-16 which is the end of all history. And it's another exodus. And it's déjà vu.

In Revelation you've got another crowd, verse 2, standing by another sea. This sea is one of crystal fire. And it's another salvation. 'Cos this crowd is standing victorious. Over the beast, his image, his number. This crowd is again safe. And again, they're singing, verse 3. The song of Moses - a cover version. But there's also a new song. The song of the lamb.

In the Exodus Moses led them to safety. Now it's the Lamb who saves.

So they play harps and raise their voices. "Great and marvellous are your deeds, [verse 3] Lord God Almighty. just and true are your ways, King of the nations. [Verse 4] who will not fear you, O Lord, You alone are holy. all nations [everyone] will come and worship before you... "

John's first readers were to bow before Caesar, to worship his image. Some lost their lives for refusing.

For Christians in such danger what would comfort and encourage? A view of the future. A vision of Christians, in heaven, safe beside the sea, singing. God alone is holy, just, true. A vision of judgement. Justice done, enemies destroyed. A vision of the King, not just of Rome but the whole world, being worshipped. Whether through gritted teeth or with grateful hearts God will be acknowledged as god.

Isn't that an encouragement? He who created the world and rules the world ... will judge the world. And He will do so with justice and righteousness.

A suffering persecuted Christian may leave earth looking like a loser, yet they enter Heaven victorious.

The vision then moves from the sea to the temple, verse 5. The temple or tabernacle was a symbol of God's holy presence. And, verse 6. "Out of the [presence of God come] the seven angels with the seven plagues. [The dress code is] clean, shining linen [with] golden sashes."

The angels are given, verse 7. "seven golden bowls filled [with what?]"

Some think of God as a grey-haired grandfather who gives cuddles and treats. Who's harmless. Easy going. And never angry. "[But these] seven golden bowls [are] filled [to the brim] with the wrath of god... "

If you think God quietly looks the other way, think again. Chapter 16 verse 1. From the temple God's voice thunders. He commands the angels. "Go, pour out the seven bowls of God's wrath on the earth."

Seven bowls that contain seven plagues. As God punished the Egyptians with plagues, so here His judgement is poured out on the unrepentant. "People who [verse 2] had the mark of the beast and worshipped it's image."

In the first century the worship of Caesar was the key to success in business. Here, the worship of Caesar is the mark of the beast. It's anyone who seeks security in the things of the world, and not God. Anyone who trusts in something other than God. Anyone who refuses to worship Jesus.

These, like Pharaoh, are the hard-hearted. People who, verse 9. "[refuse] to repent and glorify [God]."

You see, if you're not for Jesus, you're automatically against Him. It's one or the other. Either your name is graven on His heart, or you're branded as belonging to God's enemy the devil.

If you belong to God you're safe. 'Cos judgement is reserved for those who refuse Jesus.

Like Pharaoh, some laugh off judgement. They say punishment will be a slap on the wrist. That you'll be sent to the 'naughty corner'.

But friends, mark God's Word, judgement will be horrendous.

As in Egypt, so in the end.

The Egyptians were afflicted with boils all over their skin. Now, here, verse 2. The first bowl. "ugly, festering sores broke out on the people"

Moses struck the water and it turns to blood. Now, here, verse 3. "the sea [turns] into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died. [Verse 4] the rivers and springs of water [became] blood."

In Egypt there's a plague of darkness over the whole land. Now, verse 10. The fifth bowl. "and [the] kingdom [of the beast] is plunged into darkness."

In Egypt God sent a frog plague. Now here, verse 13. "[we see] impure spirits that looked like frogs"

In Egypt God sent a hailstorm. Now here, verse 21. "From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a forty kilograms fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible."

Bowl after bowl, plague after plague. As in Egypt. So now, here. It's judgement on the unrepentant!

No-one likes the idea of punishment. I'm sure you know those who scoff at the thought of judgement. Classmates or colleagues who laugh it off.

But final judgement is no laughing matter. It's real. It's eternal. And it's absolutely awful.

And yet it's absolutely fair.

Our judgements are impulsive, vindictive, unmeasured and bathed in our own self interest. But God never over-reacts. He never oversteps the mark. He's holy and righteous and just.

God's absolutely fair. 'Cos, you see, actions have consequences. Choices have costs. if you choose not to bow your knee to Jesus as king if you choose not to worship him then you 'cop' the consequences.

'Cos. Verse 5. "[God is] just in [His] judgments"

The punishment will fit the crime. It's fair. God gives people exactly what they deserve. Verse 6. "they ... shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets, [and so God gives] them blood to drink as they deserve." The bloodthirsty will have their blood shed.

So, the verdict is, verse 7. "Lord God Almighty, true and just are your judgments."

Suffering, tragedy are times to turn to god. CS Lewis, a famous author, wrote. 'God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. [Suffering] is [God's] megaphone to rouse a deaf world.'

So it's troubling that in the midst of tragedy people remain deaf and hard hearted. When there's a car accident or losing your job or a broken relationship or an illness or a family crisis. In such times people should turn to God. Yet so many blame God.

Verse 8 and 9. People scorched with fire, seared by intense heat. And, verse 9, what do they do? "they [curse] the name of God, ... they [refuse] to repent"

"[People] plunged into darkness. [Verse 10] People ... in agony" Yet what do they do? Verse 11. "[they] [curse] the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, ... they [refuse] to repent"

Huge hailstones fall. And, verse 21, what do they do? "they [curse] God"

Suffering is God's megaphone to wake us up and warn us. The arrogant and foolish rage against him. The humble repent. They turn to Jesus. Run to Him. Worship Him.


God is just. Judgement is coming. And Armageddon is part of that. Which some see as the last big battle.

Now Armageddon is a trigger for a whole host of dis-information. A Google search shows over 35 million results! Which is striking 'cos it's only mentioned once in the Bible!

So what's it actually all about.

The great river Euphrates traditionally served as a boundary between Israel and their enemies. And we're told, verse 12. "[that] the great river Euphrates [dries] up to prepare the way for the kings from the East" These kings, verse 14. "[are] the kings of the whole world, ... [who] gather ... for the battle on the great day of God almighty." Global powers gather to do battle against God.

So, where does the battle take place? Verse 16. "they gathered the kings together to the place ... called Armageddon." Which is a place on the plains of Megiddo, the most famous battleground in Israel's history. Now this isn't to be taken literally. This earthly location represents a battle between God and the enemies of His people. It's a spiritual battle. In verse 13 there's impure spirits and a dragon and a beast. It's symbolic and spiritual.

And when does this battle happen? Verse 14. "the great day of God almighty." That is, the 'day of the Lord.' Which in all Scripture is both a day of wrath. God's enemies punished. Justice done. And a day of victory. God's people saved and safe.

Once Jesus comes this day is split or stretched into two. It's the day of Jesus' death/resurrection. And the day of His return. In between it's the 'last days'.

What's clearly in view here is Jesus' return. The last of the last days. For which Jesus has sent a calling card. But it's got no 'date stamp'. Verse 15 echoes His words. "I come like a thief! ... [stay] awake ... [remain] clothed [be ready], so [you won't] be shamefully exposed."

So, what actually happens at Armageddon? At this last battle? This end battle?

You've got all the kings gathered in all their power and worldly mighty. You might expect a massive battle. But, verse 17. It's over in a moment. "The seventh angel [pours] out his bowl [verse 17], and out of the temple [comes] a loud voice from the throne, [and God says], 'it is done!'"

It is finished. It's the biggest anti-climax. All earthly powers gather. The seventh bowl pours out. And God says, 'It's over! Done!' victory won.

God pours out His justice, verse 19. And as a result there's lightning and thunder and an earthquake. "The great city splits ... , ... the cities of the nations [collapses]. God [gives] Babylon the cup filled with ... the fury of his wrath. [Verse 20] Every island fled ... mountains [disappear]. ... huge hailstones fell." Babylon, a symbol of God's unrepentant enemies, ... is forced to drink the cup of God's wrath.

So, Armageddon is the last battle. But it's no contest. That's 'cos Armageddon isn't the big battle. The big battle doesn't come at the end. It came at the cross. Where there was also an earthquake and thunder and darkness. At the cross Jesus drank the cup of God's wrath. He was judged in our place.

And that's the real exodus. Not out of slavery in Egypt. But out of slavery to sin. Rescue, not by Moses. But by the Lamb of God.

So we, like first century Christians, have no need to fear the 'end'. 'Cos the decisive battle that secures our future was fought in the past. On the cross Jesus conquered sin and Satan. On the cross Jesus cried out in victory. 'it is finished.' 'It is done.'

We follow Jesus who, in the past on the cross, won the victory for us. So that in the future we'll stand by the crystal sea and sing the song of Moses, and the song of the Lamb.


So, as we wrap up. god is just. judgement is coming. And there's two groups in the world.

All of us at one time were part of the group that stubbornly, hard-heartedly, refused Jesus. Marked by the Beast, we worshipped the things of the world, we worshipped anything except for the Lord Jesus.

Perhaps you're still in that group. In which case, God in His Word in love warns us. doomsday is ahead. judgement is coming. Please heed the warning. Repent! Run to Jesus. He saves.

And for us who are saved, who've been rescued from His wrath. Be encouraged. Jesus is coming. Be comforted. justice will be done. Be confident. Look back to the cross. Where Christ won the victory. And secured our future. We are safe, we belong to Jesus. We are marked by him, in Him who was marked for us. Whose hands were pierced. Whose blood was shed. Who drank the cup. Punished in our place.

So then. Until He returns let's be encouraged. Let's keep living for Jesus in a world that hates Him and us. Whatever you're up against God is for us. The big battle has been won. The last battle will be over in a moment. And we'll be gathered in glory beside the crystal sea and we'll sing the song of Moses. And we'll sing the song of the Lamb.