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Legs for Life

Published: 7 months ago- 23 June 2024
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Big Idea: God made the gospel to cross borders.

All-in-all our border crossings in Europe were boring. It was so easy that it was a bit disappointing!!! I was hoping for more spy movie vibes. Plus, my passport cost me quite a bit of money and I wanted the stamps! Out of all the border crossings I only got two stamps.

Vietnam: The passport control personnel were Cranky Military officers who scowled as they checked and stamped our passports. Felt a bit more like we were doing something significant. But that was nothing compared to … Israel: 3 hours it took to cross the border from Jordan into Israel. How long would it take to do that now? They asked a load of questions, even asked me what my grandmother’s maiden name was. I knew. But I was astounded. How did THEY know who my great grandparents were!?! Really felt like they didn’t want us there and they were looking for any excuse to reject our request to enter.

Sometimes sharing the gospel can feel like trying to cross the Israel border, maybe harder. Why put yourself through that?


Why would Josh and Bethany, our mission partners leave good jobs, uproot their little family, move halfway across the world away from friends and support networks, away from things they know and can navigate and go to a strange culture with a different language in order to live on less money?

Why should we seriously consider disrupting our whole lives, step outside our comfort zones, leave our social and family networks to be on mission?

Why would we encourage our kids into a life of mission? Why do we as a church work to act less like a social club and more like a mission outreach station – Growing followers of Jesus? Because as we will see from our passage today the gospel is made to share. And God’s people are called to leg it with the words of life.


In the opening verses of our passage (9:32-43) we catch up with Peter as he ministers in the Judean coastal region of Sharon. In the town of Lydda he heals Aeneas who has been paralysed for 8 years (v33-34). Aeneas gets his legs. And in Joppa he raises Tabitha from the dead (v40-41). Tabitha gets her life. God is obviously at work in Peter as he faithfully ministers to the people of that region and he is seeing amazing things happen and the churches are growing (v35, 42).


A vibrant ministry in a coastal setting, serving God and bearing fruit. Why think of moving? Further north in the coastal city of Caesarea we meet Cornelius (10:1-2). He is a decorated soldier of rank (v1) , he is devout and a generous family man (v2), and later we’ll see he is a good friend. He’s Italian (v1b) so to top it all off he’s also stylish.


Cornelius is living his best life now. Content, compelling and comfortable. What more could he need? Well, God is about to make some introductions.
God will give Peter legs and Cornelius life. Coincidence with these two accounts? According to Denovan’s Real Estate we are in a blue-chip suburb of a popular growing city. Why would we move? What more do we need? In a culture that considers Christianity to be toxic. Why move the conversation to Jesus? Why risk a reputation?


Maybe God will challenge you, mobilize you, through His word today shaking your comfort, capturing your heart, giving you legs so that the lost (across the street or around the world) may find life. Imagine if we experienced church shrinkage because we were sending so many people on mission. Maybe God will challenge you to leg it with the words of life. It’s God’s desire for the gospel to cross borders. So in our passage God interrupts these comfortable lives. by scaring Cornelius and schooling Peter.


v3 At three in the afternoon Cornelius is at prayer when he has a vision of an angel of God who calls his name. v4 This battle-hardened soldier stares in terror and asks “What is it Lord?” v5-6 God says I see you, go get Peter. v7-8 Cornelius knows how to receive an order and sends messengers for Peter. God scares Cornelius because there is more to life than “living our best life now.” Being a devout God fearer is not enough. Observing religious practices will not make you right with God; in fact can insulate you from the gospel. Cornelius needs to hear the gospel. But why didn’t the angel just share the gospel? We have a friend called Sarghi, from Iran. Muslim. Angel in a dream. Years of searching. Finally, heard the gospel preached. That’s him! That’s Jesus. The search was over. God prepares people to hear the gospel. But he uses his people to declare the gospel. His plan is that we would leg it with the words of life. That’s why …


Peter is praying and waiting for lunch (v9-10) When he sees a vision (v11) A sheet is lowered from heaven full of non-Kosher food. Animals which God in the OT law prohibits Jews from eating. (v12). And a voice from heaven, this is God’s instruction not his hungry stomach, this voice from heaven tells Peter to get up, kill and eat (v13). A tray of bacon for a vegan. If someone presented me with tofu. Peter protests, no Lord, and states that he has never eaten anything “common or unclean” (v14)

15 And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has made clean, do not call common.”

God is helping Peter to understand what it means that Jesus changes everything. The world needs to know. It is completely acceptable to enjoy ham and prawns to celebrate the birth of the Messiah each Christmas. While Peter tries to get his head around this vision the messengers from Cornelius turn up. The Holy Spirit tells Peter to go with these guys to Cornelius (v19-20). So Peter invites them in and the next day they head to Caesarea (v23). The gospel is about to cross the border. The nations are about to hear.


Do you feel a little bit jealous? Wouldn’t it be great if we had such a clear word from God that his desire for us was to leg it with the words of life. That he might give us direction … Go! Matthew 28: 18-20

18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

God has not left us wondering. He has not left us without a mission, nor without assurance. God prepares people to hear the gospel. But he sends his people to declare it. To leg it with the words of life.

Our support of the Frasers is not the extent of our mission responsibility. It must be generous, prayerful, diligent. But it’s not the end of our mission responsibility. As they told us last week. One of the ways we partner with them is to do the work of mission in our own patch. To think like a missionary to Mitchelton. Leg it with the words of life. God wants the gospel to travel, to cross borders, whether it’s the boundary fence or the equator. It’s our mission.


Maroon t-shirt. On sale, my size … couldn’t do it. It proved to be one cultural step too far. But Peter goes, he takes that cultural step. And after a Shaky start v28-29 He preaches the good news of Jesus v34-43 v34-35 God offers life to all people everywhere, he shows no partiality, no favouritism. I once saw a t-shirt that said “Jesus loves you, but I’m his favourite.” But I know that is theologically incorrect. Another t-shirt I couldn’t buy. This good news is for you … here today. The good news is a person, Jesus. Jesus came as God’s anointed one (v37-38). Did many signs and wonders, miracles displaying his power and authority – restoration for the sick and suffering and freedom to those oppressed by the devil. The twelve were witnesses to this ministry (v39a). And to his death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead three days later (v40-41). “We even ate and drank with him” Bodily resurrection, ghosts don’t eat. v42 proclaim the gospel.

Judgment day is coming and Jesus is the appointed judge of all people, living or dead. There will be a day where you are called to give an account of your standing before God. v43 Here’s the good news. Here is God’s declared Messiah, rescuer, the one the prophets, God’s spokesmen of old pointed to. Everyone (and now Peter is learning how big that everyone is, everyone on the planet) Everyone who believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins through His name. The wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom 6:23 Eternal life is found through faith in Jesus alone. Admitting your sin and need for forgiveness. Believing his promise that he has the authority to offer you forgiveness and right standing with God. Trusting him for the rest of this life until the day he returns. Now here is one of the most encouraging verses on evangelism in the whole Bible.


Before the alter call Gentiles join the people of God (baptism). It is God’s work to bring salvation. Other’s eternal future is not dependent on my feeble words. God at work before Pete or Cornelius know each other even existed. God at work to bring the gospel to bear and God at work pouring out the Holy Spirit. Peter just needs to be obedient. We can’t lose. Effective evangelism for our part is not on results because results are God’s domain. Our task is to present the good news of Jesus faithfully and persuasively.


Consider the glory of God in this big move across a wide border. Pentecost in Jerusalem … huge, 1000’s converted, churches growing. But here in one of the longest reports in Acts we see the lengths God has gone to for the salvation of one Gentile household. God is patiently unfolding his eternal plans of salvation. He is fulfilling his ancient promise to Abraham. This is an amazing point in salvation history, a major milestone. Celebrated with salvation coming to one household. Just reflect on God’s amazing, extravagant, steadfast love and faithfulness. There is much celebration in heaven over one lost soul trusting in Jesus. And God includes us in taking that life giving truth to the world. I had a friend who died of cancer. I spent eight years talking to him about Jesus. Wondering if it was worth it. On the night before he died I visited him in hospital to find that a wardsman had “led him to Christ and prayed with him.” That visit really was God’s gift to me, letting me in on his plans. Link in a chain, stepping into the life stream. Pain-line. Patience.

Prepare yourself for your God given mission. Learn some outlines to develop a framework Peter’s presentation… is a great passage to study. Kids church next term are doing Two Ways to Live. Learn that as a family. A suggested start … God. People. Jesus. Respond/Receive.


Honest Evangelism. Rico Tice.
Evangelism: How the whole church speaks of Jesus. J. Mack Styles.
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God. J.I. Packer.
How to Talk about Jesus (without being that guy). Sam Chan.
Amaze them with God. Kevin DeYoung (39 pages)
Capturing God. Rico Tice. (one to read, understand and give away).

Reading good books is like talking to wise friends. Information but also fire you up. Bookstore in term 3.

Over the last couple of weeks I read all those books and they have helped to remind me how glorious gospel truly is. Renewed my personal Bible reading. Actually helped me to delight in God. And it’s that delight in God which bubbles out when we are talking to others. What was your favourite part of your travels. Our daughter-in-law. Our delight. Speaking of the joy. That’s what happens when you delight in someone. And there is no one better, more worthy of our delight than our Heavenly Father and our Saviour the Lord Jesus. God is glorious The Gospel is astounding. Read yourself full. Pray yourself hot. Leg it with the words of life.