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Secure in God’s Glory

Published: 7 months ago- 30 June 2024
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Big Idea: God’s passion for his glory in the message of the gospel and the ministry of the church.

It was a harrowing experience. I don’t remember much else about the outing… where we were going or what we saw. The only thing that sticks with me, indeed haunted me for years after, was the horror of the moment. Dad, my younger brother and my six-year-old self were on a busy city platform of a Sydney underground train station. A train came in, the doors opened and amid the legs of a “million” bustling people I was swept toward a yawning door of a crowded carriage. When, on the cusp of being swallowed by this big red monster, my dad who had been watching my younger brother, turned, saw my predicament, grabbed my shoulder and said, “not that train mate.” I cannot sufficiently describe the horror of that moment which terrified me for years after.

I had reoccurring nightmares of train doors closing and me being lost forever in the crowded bowels of Sydney.

I was on the brink of being lost forever, when that horror was averted by the firm hand and sure word of my father. Surely that is a description of salvation for all those who have received forgiveness in Jesus. We were lost and heading in the wrong direction. But the horror of that error was averted by the firm hand and the sure word of our Heavenly Father. He saved us.


For the glory of God. In Acts 11 we see the glory of God in the message of salvation and the glory of God in the mission of the church. Page of 2 15 Mitchelton Presbyterian Church June 30, 2024 God’s Glory is revealed … In the message (v1-18)

Isaiah 43:25 “I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake [glory], and I will not remember your sins.

This is the nature of God we need reminding of.

Read v1-3

These guys are having a hard time coming to terms with the glory of God in his work of salvation through the Risen Lord Jesus. This is beyond their understanding. They hear that Gentiles have received the word of God (v1), that is; they have received the same salvation from God as the Apostles and the brothers – Jewish believers. But they criticise Peter (v2) for not being properly Jewish. He went into the house of a Gentile; he ate with Gentiles.

Their worldview (their cultural and religious convictions) distorts their view of God. Diminishes their comprehension of his glory. Peter says he was trying to be Jewish (hour of prayer; kosher/distinction). But God was clear; Jesus displays his glory. Peter’s argument is basically – you criticise me for being in a Gentile house (v3)… listen up. (v5-10)

I had this vision when messengers from Cornelius came to the house (v11) where I was staying. I went with them, and six Jewish witnesses to his house (v12).

He told me an angel had appeared to him in his house (v13), and told him to call me, Peter and I would share the message that would bring salvation to this house (v14).

From chapter 10 we know that the message Peter preached was that salvation from God is offered to all who believe in Jesus and so receive forgiveness of sins and right standing with God. As I was preaching, says Peter the Holy Spirit fell on them just as he had on us (v15).


I went nowhere that God had not been before me. God’s glory is revealed in his heart for the lost. And we see the wonderful change of heart and opening of eyes among the Jewish Christians as millennia of religion and tradition gives way to them seeing more clearly the glory of God in Jesus,

Read v18 When they heard this they had no further objections and praised [or glorified] God, saying, “So then even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life.”

This is huge.

They are starting to comprehend the grace and mercy of God in his work of salvation. Their vision of God’s glory is enlarging. You could say they are now wearing gospel glasses. They are beginning to sense the enormity of God’s glory in Jesus.

I have to wear glasses. I like to take them off as much as possible. But when I have them on, everything is much clearer.

Gospel glasses enable us to get a better view of God’s glory. When we are clear about the good news of forgiveness and right standing through Jesus, according to the grace and mercy of God we begin to delight in the massiveness of God’s glory. It’s more far-reaching than we can imagine. Your eligibility for salvation is not determined by your ability or opportunity to meet certain standards. Circumcision, law, behaviour, pedigree. God’s offer of salvation through Jesus is made to those who are far away and to those who are near. It displays in essence the glory of God.

It is for God’s glory that we partner with …

– Josh and Bethany going to Slovenia.

– Vince going to Budapest.

God’s heart is for those far away.

And for those who are near.

– Pride month … my challenge

– Muslim religion … another challenge, am I in tune with God for his glory?

We declare God’s glory as our hearts go out to the lost. Maybe all we have opportunity to do is to pray.

That’s actually pretty big.

– Change hearts

– Raise up workers

– Pray for courage and love to respectfully and gently speak the gospel into this situation when the opportunity arises.

We declare God’s glory when we understand the message of salvation… that no one is so far away from him that they are beyond his reach. That’s why the message is good news. That’s why it declares God’s glory. We declare God’s glory when we declare the good news, the gospel.


In the Mission (v19-30)

Isa 42:8 I am the Lord; that is my name; I will not yield my glory to another, nor my praise to idols.

God’s glory is revealed in the mission. As people are evangelised.

Read 19-21

Notice that these evangelists are not Apostles but scattered followers of Jesus telling others about the salvation that is found in him. They are boasting about God’s glory. What they have experienced and what is on offer to all who believe in Jesus. They are living the Great Commission in their everyday lives to the glory of God; they are evangelising.

God’s glory is revealed in the mission. As people are discipled.

v22 The report of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch.


– from Cyrus as well.

– Son of Encouragement

His response is encouraging.

Read v23-24.

Barnabas is discipling the church. Helping them to see how they glorify God in everyday life as followers of Jesus.


1. Identified with Christ by OUTSIDERS.

Read v26b

A great statement on the nature of the church. So given to the glory of God in Christ that in a city of c. 500K with 18 different ethnic quarters the church’s love of Jesus was evident. They were identifiably his. This is in no small part because of the nature of Barnabas’ ministry. Barnabas sees the need for teaching or discipleship, and he tracks down Saul to head it up [Better Call Saul].

Read v25-26a

This is a real turning point in Acts and the story of the church. The centre of mission is in the process of moving from Jerusalem to Antioch. The focus of the book of Acts is moving from Peter to Paul.


Barnabas has been sent by the church, but he sees that this is God’s ministry, for God’s glory. He is there to advance God’s Kingdom not his little empire – he recruits Saul who then becomes the focus of Acts. Barnabas and Saul remind us that true discipleship is to sit under the Apostolic authority which we have in Scripture. Barnabas example of humble submission.

It takes more grace than you can tell To play the second fiddle well. A great conductor was once asked what position in the orchestra was hardest to fill. Immediately he replied, the second violin.

There are no end of applicants for first violin, but seldom are there any who will whole heartedly play second, but without that second violin the whole piece fails. It takes more grace than you can tell To play the second fiddle well.

God’s glory means we always play second violin, second fiddle. It is the cause of Christ, the name of Christ that goes first, all to the glory of God. It is making much of the glory of God that is our goal. It is not our preferences, not our comfort, not our position or reputation. It may be noticed by the world, or not. It will certainly declare God’s glory.

An exchange between our eldest son Seamus to our daughter Caitie on Messenger when they were both at Uni on the GC.

S: @Cait Want to come and watch me play volleyball this evening?

C: Sure, what time. S: 6pm

C: What are the team colours?

S: Blue.

C: Hmm, want to change them to cream? Or should I go change?

S: You should change.

That about sums it up, discipleship means you need to change. Through the work of Jesus and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit you become a new person. Your identity is no longer as a citizen of this world but as a follower of Jesus.


2. Identified with Christ by GENEROSITY.

Read v27-30.

A famine is coming over the Roman world (v28). The Antioch church (multicultural believers) determine to send relief/cash to the Jewish believers in Judea. Antioch is in the Roman world. And yet for the sake of others, fellow believers they express generosity, they send money.

They put their money where their heart is.

They are expressing solidarity in very practical ways with other gospel believers. I heard a quote the other day. Water is thicker than blood.

It took a while to understand what had just been said. Water is thicker than blood.

My brain wanted to turn it around the other way the usual way.

But consider his point. The waters of baptism which signify our Union with Christ are thicker than the blood of pedigree or family ties.

New gravitas to the term Church Family.

What the Jewish Christians at the start of the passage first missed, the Gentile Christians here understand. Those who have been forgiven much love much. Everything of worth I have comes from the gracious hand of God, all I have I will use for his cause.

It has been said that the last two things to be converted in the life of an Australian is their right foot (accelerator foot) and left hip pocket (where they keep their wallet).

The way we drive and the way we view our money.

These days driving too fast will cost you a lot of money. Our prophets (the CoM) have predicted a famine at MPC in the coming years. Our monthly giving is below budget by more than 15%. That will impact the shape of our future staffing, the extent of our ministry resourcing, our capacity to reach out to our bit of Brisbane and beyond, and our future church planting abilities.

I understand that times are challenging.

The cost of living is high.

The denomination is in receivership.

There is uncertainty.

But surely it is an expression of our understanding of God’s glory that we trust and serve him, even when it’s hard and humanly uncertain. Reflect. Is God glorified in my generosity?

After that train experience I did have recurring nightmares about what might have happened if I’d boarded the wrong train. In reality I’m sure that dad would have found me. But in the stuff of my dreams I was lost forever.

I don’t want to be lost forever. What about you? I praise God and the glory of his great love, that in Christ I am found, he will never let me go. So I am now secure, and if you are a follower of Jesus you are secure to invest your all; your trust, your identity, your generosity in His Glory. And if you are not yet a follower of Jesus, if you have not yet received forgiveness and right standing in him, his offer is to rescue you from the horror of your lostness. Turn to him and know the true hope and joy of salvation to the praise of His glory and grace.

Why not come down the front of the auditorium after the service. There will be someone to talk and pray with you.